Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Message then your ultimate reason for undiminished joy. We're going to be in 1 Peter chapter 1. And what I'd like to do is go ahead and read from verse 1 down through verse 9. [0:14] And let me let you know that in verses 3 through 9, this is one long sentence in the Greek. No punctuation on 3 through 9. So Peter is rolling up these wonderful truths and blessings about knowing God. [0:31] Because God marked us out for salvation before he ever laid the foundations of the earth. So Peter says in verse 1, Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who reside as aliens scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, who are chosen. [0:51] According to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with his blood, may grace and peace be yours in the fullest measure. [1:09] Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope. [1:19] Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. To obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away. [1:32] Reserved in heaven for you. Who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. [1:43] In this you greatly rejoice. Even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials. [1:54] So that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. [2:13] And though you have not seen him, you love him. And though you do not see him now, but believe in him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory. [2:27] Obtaining as the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls. Now, will that preacher what? He is just piling on these wonderful spiritual blessings that we share together as Christians because of the work of God and the miracle of regeneration. [2:48] Now, those are some of the things that we've covered up to this point. And as we kind of pull ourselves together and put our minds on this rolling barrage of wonderful blessings from God, I want to give you a brief introduction about some of this because I think it's interesting how it ties into the Christmas season. [3:08] One of our most beautiful and popular Christmas hymns, one of the ones we sing around Christmas time, speaks to Peter's theme in verses six through nine, where I'll be today. [3:20] That's what we'll be dealing with, six through nine. The song is, O Holy Night. So I'm going to put this first slide up here for them. Please, Michelle. O Holy Night, the stars are brightly shining. [3:33] It is the night of our dear Savior's birth. Long lay the world in sin and error pining till he appeared and the soul felt its worth. [3:47] A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. Fall on your knees. [4:01] If I was Josh Groban, I'd sing it for you. I'm not. Well, the world, listen now, the world does bear the marks of being weary and worn down, especially with sin and due to sin. [4:20] So Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3 that as we live in these last days, that is the days after Jesus' death and resurrection and before his second coming, we are living in those last days. [4:35] That the evil, the evil that people express will go from bad to worse. Bad to worse. [4:47] The world is not getting better. Science will not make the world better. Sin will continue to compound and ravage societies and cultures in our world. [5:00] There will be wars and rumors of wars. There will be evil men and imposters who will go from bad to worse. Now, that's not pessimistic or cynical. [5:11] It's Bible. And what it says to us is, don't put your hope here. Put your hope in the life to come where there won't be any of that. [5:24] This will come to an end. It has a terminus. It's the last day when Jesus comes to gather us together as his people and bring us into his heaven. [5:36] Jesus told us that in this world we would have trouble. That if the world hated and persecuted him, it would also hate and persecute those of us who belong to him. [5:48] That would be John 15, 18 through 21. And John 16, 33. But here's the thing. The song that we sing says this. [6:01] A thrill of hope. The weary world rejoices. And my question, after all that I just said, is why? [6:15] Why would we do that? What reason do people have to be joyful, given the harsh realities that things are going from bad to worse and marching to the end of everything burning with great intense heat, says 2 Peter? [6:34] Why? What reason? The reason is this. Yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. That's why. [6:50] Let's put the next slide up there for them so they can see how I emphasize this, Michelle, if we could. Hope. Rejoicing. And then the next one. [7:03] That's why. That's why. That's exactly what Peter is zeroed in on. In the song, it focuses on the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ. [7:19] With Peter, the focus is also Jesus Christ, but not his birth. The focus with Peter is at his revelation, when the proof of your faith will result in your salvation. [7:36] So we have the birth of the Savior celebrated in the song. We have Peter celebrating Jesus Christ at his revelation. That's how he puts it. [7:46] There is something, friends, so much more valuable than the condition and quality of your life here and now. [7:58] That's not to disparage the fact that God makes for richness in this life as well. He does. Thank the Lord. I mean, what would this place be like without Christ, without the sustaining grace of God, even for unbelievers who don't acknowledge him? [8:14] He sends the rain on them, doesn't he? They get to hold their babies. They get to see their grandchildren. They get to drive their cars. They get to go to work, make a living, go on vacations, enjoy the sunshine. [8:25] That's all grace, though they don't acknowledge the Lord. And then there's us believers who get up every day and understand that we need to live a life of praise to this wonderful God. [8:37] That there is something more valuable, more valuable than the condition and quality of your life here and now. And that is your eternal life in the last day. [8:49] That is the day when Jesus comes to collect all those who have been justified and who belong to him by grace through faith. [8:59] We don't know what day that will be, but the Bible tells us one day Jesus will come. [9:12] He will come to gather his followers and bring them to heaven. Now, the question is, are you living for that day? [9:24] That day is the most valuable day of your life. Because that day is the day that will prove your faith more than any other day. [9:41] You don't want to get to the end and hear depart from me. I never knew you. You don't want that. So on that last day, if your faith proves genuine, that will be the most important day of your life. [9:59] Sin ends. You're taken into glory. And none of the stuff that you've suffered with here will be part of your life anymore. You'll be in eternity with Jesus all the time. [10:11] Forever. Free. Free of the body turning gray and getting wrinkled and all that stuff. You'll be with him. [10:23] That day is the most valuable day of your life because it will prove your faith more than any other day. So here's the question that we need to ask ourselves this morning and evaluate about our lives here and now. [10:39] I want to put this up so you can see it. Are you living now with Jesus for that last day with Jesus? [10:50] I hope that makes sense to you. Peter then gives us four reasons for rejoicing, which all have their origin and their meaning in one ultimate reason. [11:01] Now, what could that reason for joy be in such a weary world? That's what we're going to see as he lays out these reasons for us in this passage. [11:12] So the first point that I'll put up on the screen for you, rejoicing over the protection of your faith. If you'll look at verses 5 and 6 with me. [11:26] He says, Anybody in here distressed by trials? [11:48] Anybody been distressed by trials? Just wait. It's coming. It'll happen soon enough. The holidays will end. The presents will be gone. And real life will return. [11:59] And you'll have to deal with all the stuff that goes with living in this broken world as a broken person. So the clause then, the clause, the first part of the verse that we see, In this you greatly rejoice. [12:15] In verse 6, In this you greatly rejoice. The question is, what does this refer to? What do we rejoice in? Well, it refers back to the previous verses. [12:28] That's what we're dealing with. It is the wonderful Christian reality of our provided, protected, and permanent salvation by faith in Jesus Christ. [12:40] Now, when you think about the last day, and the fact that you're going to be measured, you're going to be tested, you're going to be evaluated, and only those with genuine faith will be allowed into God's eternal heaven. [12:54] We can begin to appreciate these words. That in the reality of God working in your life, he has provided, protected, and made permanent your salvation for the last day. [13:11] That's the work of Almighty God. The question is, is that God's work in your heart? Is that true of you? Especially as we come to the season where we're celebrating the Savior's birth? [13:27] Is he your Savior? Is this personal? I want to know that for you because I care. Is Christmas personal to you? [13:37] It ought to be. I hope it will be if it's not. That baby born in a manger, grown to be a man, crucified, suffering, tortured to death on a cross, and raised on the third day. [13:48] If he's not your Savior, I hope that you'll take time after the service to talk to Greg or myself. We would be happy to talk with you about how Jesus can be personal to you. [13:59] And Christmas will never be the same, I promise you that. This is a wonderful reality that God has made clear for us. My friends, hear me carefully. There are powerful, powerful, evil forces in this world which work against saving faith in Jesus Christ. [14:17] It's true. These forces, they woo and they weary your souls, distracting you through deceitful lusts and discouraging you through deceitful lies. [14:33] And that's true for every human being on the planet. They are very powerful. They are very harmful lusts and lies. So Peter travels back up into the previous verses as he comes to verse 6. [14:49] In this you greatly rejoice. And basically what he's saying is he's taking the summation of everything he said through 1 through 5. And he's saying to them, These are the truths that you ground and found your life on. [15:05] And so in this reality of salvation joy in Christ, in this you greatly rejoice. In this you greatly rejoice. [15:17] If your faith in Christ does not hold and prove genuine, you are eternally lost to the ravages of a devil's hell. [15:28] Preachers say that kind of stuff all the time. But we say it because it's in the Bible. And it's true. We don't want anybody to suffer that. So we tell them the truth and we tell them how to escape that reality. [15:41] There is a greater one. Amen, Christians? There is a greater reality than hell. And it's the salvation of Jesus Christ for an eternal heaven. Every Christian has God's guarantee that your faith will persevere and endure and hold true. [16:03] Every Christian. Once God saves you, you can't be unsaved. You were the walking dead spiritually. And then you were brought to life. [16:15] You can't go back to being a spiritual zombie again. Can't happen. You stay saved. And God guarantees it. Let's put this slide up there for them. It's a little lengthy. [16:25] We'll take it in sections. Nothing can alter or destroy the truth that defines and guards our souls. As God's elect pilgrims on this earth. We are protected, it says in the text, by the power of God through faith. [16:42] For a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. And then he goes on to say this. In this you greatly rejoice. [16:53] You should. You ought to. And then he adds this. Even though now. In this current reality. For a little while. [17:03] If necessary. You've been distressed by various trials. Is all this getting up there? Yes. There we go. [17:14] Here is where the reality of our salvation. Ready to be revealed in the last time. Meets with the reality of our here and now experiences on earth. [17:28] This is what Christians struggle with. This is what people who follow the Lord struggle with. This is what new believers freak out about. Because we tell them how wonderful it is to come to know Jesus. [17:40] And to be saved and forgiven for their sins. And they'll go to heaven and all this stuff. And if we're not careful to tell them what's coming. As a result of saying yes to Jesus. It can be pretty disconcerting. [17:53] Discouraging. Right? Because what's coming? The world going to hate them. A lot of hate. A lot of suffering. [18:05] Such is the Christian life. If you're seeking to be faithful to God. That's what Peter's writing about. He's writing to suffering Christians. And they're suffering. Not because they're living in sin. [18:17] But because they're not living in sin. They're being faithful to Christ. And the world hates them for it. And so Peter is writing to encourage them. [18:27] About the very thing that they are living out. And then receiving back. Where those two things meet. Is where he wants to help them. [18:39] Because that's the raw reality that we all live in. Right? Where building treasure. And living for heaven. Meet the temporal realities of changing diapers. [18:53] And going to work. In the dark. And coming home from work. In the dark. And getting up. And it's rainy. [19:04] And cold. And dreary. You know what? Don't do that in heaven. Right? It's all sunshine and light. How do we know that? Because God's there. Because Jesus is there. That's what we're promised. [19:15] We don't have to deal with all of that stuff. In heaven. But we have the here and now. So he says. Here is where the reality of our salvation. Ready to be revealed at the last time. [19:29] Meets with the reality of the here and now. My friends. Your joy. Is rooted. In the unchanging character and wisdom of God. [19:41] Not in this world. Not in circumstances. Not necessarily in the next vacation. Those are fine. But we don't put our hope and joy in those things. God knows and relates to you. [19:52] Hear this carefully now. Exactly as you most need him to. Without any margin of error in how he treats you. How about that? [20:03] You hear that now? I'll read it again. God knows and relates to you. Exactly. Exactly. As you most need him to. [20:14] And he does it without any margin of error. In how he treats you. But sometimes. We're tempted to look up into heaven. And say. You do know what's going on right now. [20:26] Right? You are still in control. Because boy. It sure doesn't feel like you're in control right now. I just don't get how what's happening to me right now. Glorifies you. [20:37] I can't see past it. Sometimes we have to pray prayers like. Help. My. My. Unbelief. Right? Peter takes that into account folks. [20:50] This isn't pie in the sky Christianity. It's where we live. I'm grateful. I'm grateful that he meets us where we live. And picks us up. [21:01] And it's as if he takes. Takes us up off the ground. And as we get up. Peter does this. Look. Remember. [21:14] Hold on to. I'm grateful for Peter doing that. And when I think about Peter's life. And what he went through. He's a great guy to do that. For you. [21:25] Because he knew what it was like. To be down in the mud. Crying his eyes out. Through failure. And cowardice. The world just beating him to pieces. [21:39] It's amazing. What God did in this man's life. Again. God knows exactly how to deal with you. No margin of error. And how he treats you. Now. Why. Is that so foundational. [21:51] For your life. Day to day. Because now. For your brief stay on earth. As the text tells us. As God wills it. [22:03] As necessary for your good. You will know sorrow. Due to many kinds of trials and troubles. In your battles. Against sin. [22:15] And God will use. All of this in your life. To do this. He'll use it to reveal. And he will use it to anchor. The devotion. [22:25] Of your heart. Trials will reveal. Your heart. And trials will. Anchor. Your heart. In terms of what you're most devoted to. [22:38] Even in the moment. Even in the moment. And we can be. Wooed away. From devotion to Jesus. And wooed over. [22:49] To devotion to something else. In a heartbeat. Pow. Right? Now Peter wants us to guard. Against that reality. So he's exposing it. [23:00] For what it is. Look. God is controlling. Here's what Peter's telling these people. God is controlling. The kind of trial. The duration. [23:13] Of the trouble. And the level of distress. Stress. It exerts. It exerts. On their life. And on your life. God is completely in control. [23:23] Of all of that. See. People who say things like. God doesn't have anything to do. With bad things that happen to me. They don't understand. Biblical sovereignty. [23:35] God is not the author of sin. But he is certainly. Let me say it again. Controlling the kind of trial. The duration of the trouble. [23:46] And the level of the distress. It exerts on your life. Now if you just think on that. Think on that. Unlike non-Christians. Unbelievers. Christians. [23:57] Have faith in God. As he controls. Every single aspect. Of our suffering. And even. Makes it. [24:08] All. Meaningful. Unbelievers. Can't say that. When unbelievers. Suffer. They suffer in a vacuum. As far as they know. [24:20] They don't have any of that. To lean on. Because there's no faith in God. Their faith is somewhere. They're worshiping someone. Or something. It's just not God. So trials and troubles. [24:33] Become. Obstacles for them. To either climb over. Or learn to. Cope. With. So the world's. Answer. To most of this. Is coping strategies. [24:45] Coping strategies. And pills. And such. Because their faith. Is aimed at something. Other than God. God. [24:57] Does all. Of this. As he works. In these trials. And troubles. In your life. He does all of this. Look. For your good. And for his glory. As he refines. [25:08] Your heart's. Devotion. To him. This is exactly. What Peter speaks. To next. All right. Let me read it again. For you. You are protected. [25:18] By the power of God. Through faith. For a salvation. That is ready. To be revealed. In the last time. So you have a salvation. That is guarded. By God himself. [25:29] And Peter says. In verse six. In this. You greatly rejoice. Even though. Now. Let's bring it down. To the reality. Here Peter. [25:39] Even though. Now. For a little while. If necessary. You've been distressed. By various trials. See. It all has a shelf life. Your trials. [25:49] Have a certain duration. It's not going to go on. Forever. Verse seven. So that. The proof. Of your faith. [26:00] Being more precious. Than gold. Which is perishable. Even though. Tested by fire. That's your refining process. May be found. [26:11] To result. In praise. Glory. Honor. Again. At the revelation. Of Jesus. Christ. What is he talking about. [26:22] In all of this. Well this takes us. To point number two. If we could put that up there. For Michelle. Point number two. Rejoicing over the proof. Of your faith. Rejoicing over the proof. [26:32] Of your faith. In my translation. The first two words. In verse seven. Are so that. It's a purpose clause. So that. [26:44] It points us. To God's purpose. In various trials. He caringly controls. In our lives. Here's the way. He says it again. [26:54] So that. The proof. Of your. Faith. May be found. To result. In praise. And glory. [27:05] And honor. At the revelation. Of Jesus Christ. Let's put the next slide up there. For Michelle. Your faith. Is. Look at this word. Dokimion. [27:17] Dokimion. Your faith. Is. Dokimion. It means. Genuine. Genuine. It is. Contrasted. With. Ah. Dokimas. Ah. [27:28] Dokimas. Which means. Counterfeit. Faith. It will. Not. Stand. The test. Of God's. Final judgment. And I want to take you somewhere. And show you. [27:39] How Paul deals with this. In another section. Paul. And Peter. Both speaking to this. It's in Romans chapter one. Romans chapter one. Will you go there with me? I just want you to see this really quickly. [27:51] Before we move to the next slide. Your faith. In this one Greek word. Is. Genuine. And it is being contrasted. [28:02] With a counterfeit faith. A counterfeit faith. That won't stand the test of time. In Romans chapter one. Paul comes to the place. After saying. Much about. [28:14] People who dishonor God. And refuse to see God. And know God. Even though he has made himself. Known to them. He comes to verse twenty eight. And he says this. [28:25] And just as these people. Did not see fit to acknowledge God. Any longer. God gave them over to a. Depraved mind. [28:37] To do those things. Which are not. Proper. A depraved. Mind. He's using a word here. That. For depraved mind. [28:48] That is the antithesis. Or the opposite. Of this. Genuine. Tested out. Proven. Faith. They have been given over. To a mind. [28:58] And this is something. That he uses as an illustration. That people originally. Would have understood this. This is a word. That has its origins. In metallurgy. Refining metals. [29:09] Purifying metals. So they would melt. These metals down. The impurities would. Settle. And then they would be able. To separate the gold. Or the precious metal. From the impurity. [29:19] So it's a refining process. He's using a word here. That says. This is metal. That didn't stand the test. It remained impure. [29:31] And unusable. A depraved mind. Is an impure. Unusable. Useless. Mind. God gave them over to that. [29:42] They chose. To reject God. And so they. Were rejected. That's horrible. Tragic. Scary. It terrifies me. To think about people. [29:53] Living like that. And that I used to live like that. In the error. And unprincipledness. Of my mind. That's what he's dealing with here. Let me put this quote up for you. [30:06] Apart from Christ. People are given up. To a mind. That is. Adakimos. Look now. Romans 128. To an outlook. [30:16] Which since they themselves. Did not see fit. To acknowledge God. Is unattested. Or in authentic. Unattested. [30:27] Or in authentic. The word proof. Proof. Could also be translated. A proved. Or proven. Genuineness. [30:39] A proved. Or proven. Genuineness. So that the. Proof. Of your faith. The tested. Outness. Of your faith. [30:49] The genuineness. Of your faith. Is what he's talking about. You greatly rejoice. Even though you currently live. With all kinds of. Various trials. [31:01] So that. The tested. The tested. And now proven. Genuineness. Of your faith. Will result. In praise. Glory. [31:13] And honor. When Jesus. Comes for you. So everything. That Peter's talking about. In the reality. Of the here and now. For you. Is being. [31:23] Aimed. At that last. Day. And what he's most. Concerned about is. Not that you live. A happy. Clappy life. Right now. He's most. Concerned about. [31:33] Will your faith. Hold. And remain. Tested. And proven. Genuine. So that at that. Last day. You will receive. The greatest prize. You can ever know. [31:45] Eternity. In heaven. With Jesus. Peter said. Anything. Whatever it costs. You to have that. Hold on to that. It's worth it. [31:57] Now these. I'm having to explain. Some of this. But people. Who will have. Originally read this. They would have been. Picking up on these. Ideas. Right away. And understanding. The whole refining. [32:08] Process. With metal. And what was going on there. And how Peter. Is helping them. To see. That God. Is using. Trials. In your life. To do a very. Special. Loving. [32:18] Caring. Merciful. Kind. Thing. He's using. Trials. In your life. To show you. That your faith. Is genuine. Tested. It is proven. [32:29] Proven. So that you can have a hope. A living hope. And an everlasting. Undiminished joy. About the outcome. Of all of this nonsense. [32:40] That we live in. On this earth. Now some of you. Are pretty young. And you may be thinking. Right now. What is all this. Why is he being so cynical. About life. Why is he talking about. All this nonsense. [32:50] I'm 60 years old. Brother. How old are you. Oh you're a baby. 60 years old. 52 years old. We've got some other folks. [33:00] Jim. You've lived a little. Little while. Right. Me and you. Right. So it's tough. Isn't it. Is the world tough. Real tough. That's just the reality. And the older you get. [33:12] The more you will see. The difficulty. People will betray you. People you care about. Will stab you in the back. Malign you. Mistreat you. You will do the right thing. [33:24] And you will take the bullet. To maintain your integrity. And people will hate you for it. They won't pat you on the back. They won't write great letters about you. And recommend you to your boss. [33:36] They'll use it as a stepping stone. To get to what they want. These are the ways the world works. Now if we want to. We can let all of that discourage us. We can let all of that trip us up. [33:49] Because we keep our eyes right here. And we see all of that happening. We see all the way the world around us. Wars against itself. Innocent people being killed. [33:59] Murdered. Raped. Pillaged. And it's heart rending. This is the reality of this place. Peter says. Put your eyes somewhere else. [34:10] God is preserving in you Christian. A genuine proven and tested faith. That will stand God's test. Talk about a tough tough greater. [34:22] God's test. At the last day. And you will be brought into his heaven. And only God can secure that. For you. This is the proof. [34:33] So as I ask. Why. Why should this create. Joy. Within you. Because you're tested. And proven faith. As you persevere. [34:44] And faithfulness during trials. Is God's way of reassuring you. That you truly belong to him. That in the last day. Jesus will come to claim. [34:55] You. As his own. Not just your neighbor. Not just someone in your family. You. If your faith. Proves genuine. [35:08] And that's a big if. Isn't it? If your faith proves genuine. You say. Jeff. How do I know? How do I know? If my faith is genuine? Here's how. God takes you through trials and troubles. [35:21] In this life. And you move through those trials and troubles. Perhaps not perfectly. Perhaps not even sinless. But your heart cannot abandon the truth. [35:33] Or abandon God. He won't allow it. So God woos you. And draws you. Convicts you. And disciplines you. As his child. And your repentance. Your confession. [35:45] Your sense of brokenness. Your desire to return. In fellowship to him. Are all serving through that trial. As God's proof. That he owns you. Your faith is genuine. [35:56] And in the last day. He'll bring you to his heaven. Apart from that kind of testing. How do you know? How can you know? If everything stays happy clappy. [36:08] How can you know? It's all going your way. So God puts these trials. And these troubles in your life. And then we find out. Where's your heart? [36:19] Who or what are you trusting in? Does your life collapse and fall apart? Do you have to be propped up with pills? Do you put your faith in Jesus Christ? Do you learn to walk in that faith. [36:32] With your brothers and sisters. Confessing and repenting. From sin. That's what God does. That moment then will bring God and you. [36:45] Great praise. Glory. And honor. As all that. All that. Now listen to this. As all that Jesus promised. Comes to fruition. [36:58] In your life. Now. You get to spend eternity living. In that honored reality. What honored reality? [37:09] The honored reality. Of God bringing you into his heaven. Now this is amazing. What I'm about to tell you next. And as I studied this out. And read this. I had to go back. And check several commentaries. [37:20] To make sure. Did I read this right? Am I understanding this correctly? Is the antecedent. And the grammar here. Really pointing me. To this reality. And the answer was. [37:31] Yeah. The refining process. Which God uses. To test out your faith. Is accomplished. By God taking you through. [37:41] These various. Kinds of trials. And troubles. In your life. Just as precious metals. Then. Have to go through. A refining process. [37:52] To make them pure. As I've mentioned to you. God. Purifies. Your faith. Through his trials. He's chipping away. [38:04] He's separating. The good from the bad. The dross. From what is pure. And good. And useful. And what God. What God. [38:15] Produces. In you. In this process. Is even more. Peter says. Precious. Than gold. Because gold. Because gold. Perishes. [38:27] Gold perishes. But your purified. Faith. Is imperishable. Resulting in. And here's the part. That astounded me. [38:38] Resulting in. God. Praising. You. God. Honoring. [38:49] You. God. Glorifying. You. As he takes you into heaven. I read that. I thought about it. I looked the words up. [39:00] I studied it. And it's true. It's true. You. You're going to praise me. [39:12] You're going to honor me. You're going to glorify me. All. Of this. Is the result. Of God. [39:22] Working his grace. In your life. So. It's not like. All of that happens. And I say. Woohoo. I am all that. After all. It is all about me. [39:32] I was wrong. Rob. To say all these years. It's not about me. No. It still is not about me. Why? Remember. [39:43] I said. God is the one. Working all this. In your life. Go to Ephesians. Chapter 2. Verse 8. This whole passage. This entire passage. [39:54] We've been talking about. Faith. Right. Salvation. Let's go to Ephesians 2. 8. And what do we see. In Ephesians 2. 8. We see God. Getting the glory. [40:04] Is what we see. What does it say. For by grace. You have been saved. Through. Faith. And that not of yourselves. [40:16] Faith. Is the gift. Of. God. So I can't boast. And you can't boast. The very faith. That is going to be tested. [40:27] And proven. Genuine. That I'm going to receive. Praise for. From God Almighty. Is the gift of God. So guess what. [40:37] He's going to get back. From me. Praise. And glory. And honor. Which he deserves. Do you see. Win-win. [40:48] Man. I'm telling you. Only God. Can take sinners like us. And make a win-win. Out of this. And it's a win-win. It's a win for you. And it's a win for God. And that's a big old God. [40:59] Right. There's one more. I want you to see. Philippians. You're right here. Close to it. Philippians 1. 29. Lest we take any more. Of God's glory. [41:10] No. No. No. We don't want to do that. Philippians 1. 29. Says. For to you. It has been granted. For Christ's sake. Not only to believe in him. [41:21] Which Peter. Speaks to. But also to do what. Suffer for his sake. Oh I'm sorry. Right up in the top. Of verse 29. What did it say? That it has been granted. [41:32] For Christ's sake. That you suffer. For his sake. So I get to faith. For his sake. Because of his grace. And power. And I get to suffer. [41:42] For his sake. By his grace. And his power. And at the last day. When that faith. From God. Proves genuine. And when that suffering. Comes to an end. And shows that my faith. [41:54] Is genuine. God will praise me. And honor me. And glorify me. By bringing me into heaven. So I can stay in heaven. All that time. Doing what? Praising him. [42:05] And honoring him. And glorifying him. And do you know what God did all of that from? What was the raw material that he used to do all of that from? [42:18] Your sinful heart. Is he getting bigger? Is he getting bigger? He ought to just be so big we can't even put him in this Bible. [42:29] He's so big. He's so gracious. And he's so kind. He's so good. He's so good. He's so good. He's so good. It's amazing to me that God will honor you for the genuineness of your faith. [42:41] Which he worked in you. Over the time of your life on earth. It's a double blessing. Of God's love. And God's grace. You know. [42:52] I'm going to confess something to you. I've read this passage. I've read Peter. I love Peter. The books of Peter. I'm 60 years old. [43:03] I've been walking with the Lord since I was about 20. Do you know that until I studied this. I did not know that God would do this. At the last day. I did not know that God would honor. [43:15] And praise. And glory in us. But why not? We're the product of his grace. Why wouldn't he do that? We're made perfect in his son. [43:26] Why wouldn't he do that? This is a glorious. Glorious work. That angels long to look into. So why wouldn't he do that? It's his work. [43:38] You are his workmanship. And nothing can change that. Your suffering can't change that. It can only prove it. [43:49] That can't change it. Well let's do these last two points quickly. Point number three. Rejoicing over the person of your faith. Have a little slide for that. [44:00] Rejoicing over the person of your faith. This is verse eight. And though you have not seen him. You love him. Oh well why not? After all of that. [44:11] If they're tracking with what Peter's saying. Absolutely. They get to this point. And say oh yes I do love him. And though you do not see him. Speaking of Jesus. Now. But believe in him. [44:24] You greatly rejoice. With joy inexpressible. And full of glory. Folks the impact of verse eight. Comes home to our hearts. When we reflect on an incident. [44:34] Peter witnessed. Where Jesus. Said something very very poignant. To his disciples. I'll take you there. Just one more place here. And then we'll move on. [44:45] John chapter 20. Peter witnessed all of this. If you'll go there with me. John 20. And listen to this. [44:56] An amazing account. We'll begin in. Verse 24. This is the account. Where Jesus. Appears to the disciples. [45:08] Thomas isn't there. So. The disciples get to see Jesus. And. Believe in him. Believe in his resurrection. And then we pick it up. [45:20] In verse 24. But Thomas. One of the twelve. Called Didymus. Was not with them. The disciples. When Jesus came. So the other disciples. Were saying to Thomas. We've seen the Lord. [45:31] But he said. Unless I see in his hands. The imprint of the nails. And put my finger. Into the place of the nails. And put my hand. Into his side. Where he was stabbed. With the spear. I will not believe. [45:43] Wow. After eight days. His disciples. Were again inside. And Thomas. Was with them. This time. Jesus came. The doors. Having been shut. And stood in their midst. [45:54] Do you understand? That means. He went through the walls. He went right. He just appeared. Nobody opened. No doors. There's Jesus. Why not? He's God. [46:05] Right? What does he say? Peace. Be with you. I'm glad that he said that. Because that's scary. He just shows up. Peace. Be with you. Then. [46:16] Here we go. He said to Thomas. Reach here with your finger. See my hands. Reach here with your hand. Put it into my side. [46:29] So there's the scar. Scars on his hands. And in his side. And do not be unbelieving. But believing. Thomas answered and said to him. [46:41] My Lord. And my God. There's the heart of worship. There's repentance. Jesus said to him. Because you have seen me. Have you believed? Blessed are they. [46:52] Who did not see. And yet believed. And that's us. And what did Jesus say? You're blessed. For all of you. [47:05] Who believe. But have never physically seen him. You're blessed. Blessed be you. The blessing of Jesus. Is on your life. [47:16] And your heart. This is. What Peter's emphasizing. For his readers. It's especially meaningful. [47:26] I think. For Peter. As he commends. These believers. For their faith. A faith. That Peter himself. Didn't show. Even though. He was physically. [47:36] With Jesus. To see him. To hear him. To touch him. This is such humility. In Peter's life. I commend you. For something. [47:47] I couldn't even. Commend myself for. Because I. I was with him. And I abandoned him. You've never seen him. Never heard him. And yet. You love him. So much. [47:59] This is a. Keep going. Keep going. Let's put this slide. Up there for Michelle. I just wanted to share. This quote. [48:09] It was so good. It ministered to my. My soul. The more faith. Can know of Christ. And the more such. Knowledge. Possesses the heart. The stronger. Believers. Love for him. [48:19] Becomes. And the more joy. They exhibit. Thus. Love and trust. Are the two elements. That bind believers. To a living fellowship. With Jesus Christ. [48:31] That's from John MacArthur. I love. That last. Statement. A living. Fellowship. With Jesus Christ. That's here and now. You don't have to wait for that. [48:41] For heaven. A living fellowship. With the son of almighty God. Here and now. And that is being proven. Over and over again. [48:53] That is being proven. Indestructible. Over and over again. Every time you go through. Trials and troubles. In this life. And persevere. In faith. [49:03] You are telling. All of the hounds of hell. Get back. I belong. To Jesus. You can't have me. [49:18] Now we need to pray. For those people. And minister to those people. Who can't say that. Right. A living fellowship. [49:31] Being loved by. And of loving Jesus. It becomes something. That we struggle. To express. Adequately. It's higher. Than speech. [49:41] Can go. And that's why. Peter says. What he does. And though you have not seen him. You love him. And though you do not see him now. But believe in him. You greatly rejoice. With. [49:52] Joy. Inexpressible. And full of glory. That's what he's telling us. This is higher. Than speech. Can go. This is more glorious. [50:02] Than words. Can make glorious. It's the best we can do. Our hearts express. Our joy to God. Through the songs. [50:13] And the prayers. And the praises. We offer him. In worship. Not just on Sunday. But throughout the week. We call that doxology. Right? Praise. [50:25] Doxology. Praise. And then here's the final point. Rejoicing over the product. Of your faith. The product. Of your faith. He culminates. [50:37] In verse 9. In this long sentence. From three down. Obtaining. As the outcome. Of your faith. There's got to be an outcome. What's the. What's the end game. Here Peter. The outcome. [50:48] Of your faith. The salvation. Of your souls. So what we obtain. Through the tested. Genuineness. Of our faith. Is nothing short. Of the salvation. Of our souls. [50:58] It's eternal life. With Jesus. We should never. Grow weary. Or. Think it mundane. To talk about that. And to say that. So this is not. [51:09] Because. We have faith. In our faith. Can you hear that from me? This is. Very needful. Let your theology. Be very. Very careful here. This is not. Faith in faith. [51:21] Okay. We have faith. In God's son. Now this is. Why this is important. The object. The object. Of our faith. Is the reason. Our faith. [51:31] Is genuine. The object. Of our faith. Is Christ. That's why. Our faith. Is genuine. So that. He. Jesus. Is the reason. [51:43] For the outcome. Of your salvation. From sin. And death. In other words. Let me say it this way. The product. Of your genuine faith. Salvation. Is caused. [51:55] Cared for. And consecrated. By God. And you don't want. In any other way. Right. If you had any part. In getting yourself saved. Guess what would happen. [52:05] Again. You could have a part. In getting yourself. Unsaved. Now I know me. Well enough. To know. I don't want any part. Of that. I want to be kept. [52:17] By God. Because I'm fickle. And faulty. So Peter. Is stressing. That by genuine faith. You are continually. [52:28] Obtaining. That's the grammar here. You are continually. Obtaining. Continually. Receiving. God's salvation. Blessings. In your daily life. With him. As you follow. Jesus in faith. [52:39] You receive. From him. The outcome. Of that. Fellowship. With him. Salvation's. Blessings. That's how it works. That's how the. [52:51] There. One day. And the now. Come together. It's in fellowship. With Jesus. Doesn't that. Make sense. And isn't that. What the scriptures say. [53:02] Heaven came down. Isn't that what we sing about. What is Emmanuel. Right. So this is where. [53:13] Trials. And troubles. And suffering. Today. Meet the reality. Of heaven. It's in the person. Of Jesus Christ. And in the constant. Fellowship. That you have. [53:24] With him. You see. It's all about Jesus. Isn't it. Doesn't it. Always come back. To Jesus. Yeah. Amen. The outcome. [53:34] Of trials. And troubles. Which bring. Unbelievers. Down. Is what Jesus. Brings your faith. Through. So that you are made. More than conquerors. [53:47] Friend. You are more than a conqueror. Of hopelessness. And doubt. Despair. Discouragement. Depression. Anxiety. Fear. Worry. [53:57] And other ravages. Of sin. Do Christians. Suffer with that. Absolutely. Absolutely. What happens. In those things. With genuine faith. Is that God. Brings us. Through those things. [54:09] Those things. Don't conquer us. Our faith. Conquers them. Oh. We struggle with them. But we move through them. In the Lord. Let's put this last. Quote up here. And this is. How I'll end. [54:21] Your highest. Reason. For undiminished joy. Then. In trials. Is this. Jesus. Is working. His salvation. Blessings. In your life. As he purifies. Your faith. To stand. [54:32] His test. On the last day. So celebrate. The joy. Of Jesus. In you. Because that's the only way. To pass the test. He. Lives. [54:43] In. You. And you pass. And you get heaven. All right. So. When you sing the Christmas songs. Now. Sing them with this in mind. [54:54] Jesus. Lives. Lives. In me. And I have the joy. And guarantee. Of heaven. And nothing can change it. Well. Let's pray together. Friends. [55:08] Father. These are glorious. Truths. And we do. Rejoice in them. And we ask. Your forgiveness. Because. We are prone. To forget them. We are prone. To see them. [55:18] Diminished in our life. Through suffering. It's real. Lord. It's real. You see it. You hear it. In our complaining. And in our murmuring. You see it. In the downcastness. [55:29] Of our faces. And. I know that you feel it. You feel the suffering. And the pain. That we experience. Because you're our father. And our God. [55:41] And so. We ask you God. To help us. To walk. In fellowship. With Jesus. Help us. To evermore. Grow closer. And nearer. To him. In our hearts. [55:51] Devotion. Help us. To remember. Even this week. As we are refined. In troubles. And trials. That you are purifying. And proving. [56:03] And testing out. Our genuine faith. In Jesus. So that that faith. Will stand your test. At the last day. Thank you. For giving us. This truth. [56:13] Thank you. For sobering. Our minds. And thank you. For the joy. That we have. In being loved. By Christ. And by loving him. It's in his name. That we pray. And for his glory. Amen. [56:24] Thank you.