Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] We will be in 1 Peter today, continuing in our verse-by-verse exposition of this marvelous book. It just seems like there are so many things to say. [0:17] As I have studied through the passages, the last few weeks in particular, we're thinking carefully about Peter's imperatives, his commands that fill the passage that we're looking at from chapter 2. [0:35] The title of my message for this morning continues to be, from last week, Living to Display God's Grace. That's kind of the main idea that we're putting forward by what Peter's instructing us here. [0:47] We are seeking to live according to this instruction for the purpose of displaying the grace of God, especially in the world of unbelievers. [1:00] The subtitle of the message is Submission to Civil Authorities. We're going to be looking at the subject of submission over the next three or four sermons or so. [1:11] And in this particular case, we're dealing with submission to the government, to the authorities in our land, whether those authorities be from the President of the United States down to the governor of our state, to local police officials, to the water and sewer authority that we have to pay every month or whatever it is. [1:33] That's what we're talking about. Now, let's read the passage together and take in the context of what Peter is telling us. In verse 13 of chapter 2, Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority or to governors as sent by him, that is the king for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right. [2:08] For such is the will of God that by doing right, that is by obeying, you may silence the ignorance of foolish men. [2:19] Act as free men and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as slaves of God. Honor all people. [2:32] Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king. Now, in the opening paragraph of John MacArthur's commentary on this section of Scripture, he essentially states the concern that I have had and share about our understanding of Peter's instruction here. [2:56] And so I want to share that with you. As citizens of heaven, Christians submit holy to divine authority. [3:07] But the potential misapplication of that truth is that they can become indifferent and even disdainful toward the world in which they live, thereby forfeiting many opportunities for positive testimony. [3:28] Believers' detachment from the world must be balanced by proper respect for and humble submission to all the legitimate institutions of human authority. [3:47] So I want to share with you my pastoral concern is I've spent weeks now trying to better prepare us spiritually to deal with the instruction that we receive from Peter in this particular section of Scripture. [4:05] Now, one of the reasons that I've taken such care to do this is because I'm not ignorant of the times. And I know my congregation. Thank the Lord. I know you. [4:16] And I know me. And I want to minister to you. So I don't want to stand up here and preach this as if I don't understand or know the context or as if I'm ignorant to the reality of what we've all gone through over the last two years. [4:32] As we have battled within ourselves, within congregations and churches, the issues of these mandates, the overreach of government, that's just all ringing in our minds and ears right now. [4:50] We breathe it in and breathe it out right now. No pun intended when you think about masks and all that kind of stuff, right? So I've tried to be very careful in setting the table, the biblical table well, for us to move into this section of Scripture and glean the instruction here without bias, without all of the baggage that kind of attends to what we've been through over the last couple of years. [5:18] Folks, this is very, very important instruction for us in our day and time. And I'm trying to be sober minded and very careful with it. And I hope that'll be very clear to you. [5:29] It isn't any different than I try to approach the Scripture in any other Sunday that I've stood up here to preach the gospel to you. It's just that I'm aware of the kind of times that we've been through and what this message is speaking to. [5:41] So here is my pastoral concern as I bring this message to you, that we would nurture a godly desire and a persevering commitment to take full advantage of the many God-ordained opportunities for showing the love and character of Jesus Christ through, by our submission and humility to the civil authorities we are under. [6:18] That is my pastoral concern in bringing these series of messages to you. So we're going to begin looking at what are and will be over the coming weeks six characteristics of our godly submission to governmental authority. [6:36] Now, we'll probably cover these six. We'll do one today. You're getting a sermon today on two words. Submit yourselves. That's the sermon. [6:48] All right. That's what we need. So that's what you're going to get today. And then hopefully we'll do the other five and maybe. What will be two sermons? [6:59] I don't know. We may get all five of them in next week. I don't know. I doubt it. So maybe two more sermons and we'll have all six of these. All right. So this morning we're going to cover the first one from first Peter, chapter two, verse 13. [7:12] The first two words in my scripture, it reads this way in my translation of the Bible. Submit yourselves. That's the sermon. Submit yourselves. [7:24] This is then the what of submission to authority. The what of submission to authority. What is Peter telling his readers? [7:38] What is Peter's primary directive? Directive. In the most straightforward of terms, Peter simply commands his readers with this. [7:54] Submit yourselves. That's right out at the front. That's what we will deal with this morning. Submission reflects Peter's central theme. [8:09] His main emphasis and his primary directive. But please note this, friends. But submission is not Peter's primary objective. [8:24] It's his primary directive. It is not his primary objective. And I want to spend today talking about what that means. [8:36] Submission is how Peter wants his readers to faithfully fulfill his main objective. So it's absolutely critical. [8:49] To the mission objective. Peter has in mind. And I think that it's significant. More about that as we go. But I think it's significant. That Peter's teaching in this passage immediately follows. [9:04] If you'll notice with me. What he's expressed as his concern and command in verse 12. I've mentioned this to you several times in the past few sermons. [9:17] Verse 12. Notice his concern and his command. Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles. [9:28] Now that would mean unbelievers. So that in the thing in which they slander you. He takes for granted that that is going to happen. [9:41] And he knows that is happening. That is the current reality these people are living under. They are being slandered because they are living out their faith in Christ. [9:52] Keep your behavior excellent. Don't let that slide among the Gentiles. For any reason. For selfishness or pride or greed. [10:04] Don't rationalize this. Don't justify this. Don't caveat this. Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles. [10:15] So that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers. They may because of your good deeds. As they observe them. [10:28] Glorify God in the day of visitation. So these are clear. Unambiguous. Observable deeds of goodness. [10:40] Obedience. That you are manifesting in your life. So that unbelievers are seeing a clear contrast. In the way that you are responding to life. [10:53] As responding to authority. And the way they are. The way other unbelievers are. There's such a clear contrast of goodness in your life. [11:05] That it is undeniable. That's verse 12. So that is his command. And that is his concern. [11:17] Now. Let's quickly add to that. This same concern from the apostle Paul. Right at the get go here. I want to bring you over to that. [11:28] Because it's a passage you're familiar with. And that we had to read often. Especially in the initial stages. Of the COVID outbreak. [11:39] A couple of years ago. It's been two years. Right. Am I saying that right? Two years or so. It seems longer to me. But at least a couple of years. When everybody thought it was the bubonic plague. [11:50] When everybody thought that it was going to ravage the world. And that tens of millions of people were going to die. Right. At that time. Let's add to that. [12:02] The concern that Paul has. In a passage that we look to at that time. He also talks about. Paul also talks about. Our godly behavior. Among unbelievers. [12:15] Those in authority. And especially those. Who are harsh. And slanderous. And evil towards us. As Christians. He especially speaks to that. [12:27] You know where I'm going. It's Romans 13. Romans chapter 13. And we'll start in verse 1. [12:39] Please try and keep in mind. What we've just read. And have been reading. In first Peter. And think through the parallels. Now I'll just go ahead and tell you. Right off the bat. [12:50] There are some differences. Between what Peter says. In our text for this morning. And what we're going to read. Here in Paul. But there are also. Some similarities. [13:00] Some important ones. Paul says. In chapter 13. Every person. Is to be. In subjection. To the governing authorities. Do you see that? [13:11] So that is. Submit yourselves. You see. For there is. No authority. Except from God. And those which exist. [13:21] Are established. By God. God. Therefore. Whoever resists. Authority. Has opposed. The ordinance. Of God. [13:33] And they. Who have opposed. Will receive. Condemnation. Upon themselves. Well. We don't want that. For rulers. Are not a cause. Of fear. [13:43] For good behavior. But for evil. Do you want. To have. No fear. Of authority. Do what is good. And you will have. Praise. [13:53] From the same. Now let me just. Do a quick. Caveat there. What happened. To Paul. In response. To. The civil authorities. Of his day. [14:04] At the end. Of his life. They cut his head off. Let's read. That verse. Again. For rulers. Are not a cause. Of fear. [14:14] For good behavior. But for evil. So do you. Want to have. No fear. Of authority. Then do what is good. And you will have. Praise from the same. And yet. We understand. [14:25] And we know. That on many occasions. In the life. Of the apostle Paul. He did what was right. And true. And honorable. Before the Lord. And he got. Beaten for it. He got whipped. [14:35] For it. He got thrown. In prison. For it. At one time. For two full years. And he wasn't guilty. And then finally. The man lost his head. Literally. [14:47] Under the authority. Of the emperor. Nero. For doing good. So we understand. As we read this. That there's a fuller testimony. Of scripture. [14:57] Right? For it. It. Rulers. Authority. It. [15:08] Is a minister. Of God. To you. For good. Verse four. But if you do. What is evil. Be afraid. For it. Does not bear. The sword. For nothing. For it is a minister. [15:20] Of God. An avenger. Who brings wrath. On the one. Who practices evil. Therefore. It is necessary. To be. In subjection. It's necessary. [15:31] The scripture says. Not only. Because of wrath. But also. For conscience. Sake. For because of this. [15:42] You also pay taxes. For rulers. Are servants. Of God. Devoting themselves. To this very thing. [15:54] Render to all. What is due them. Tax. To whom taxes do. Custom. To whom custom. Fear. To whom fear. Honor. [16:05] To whom. Honor. That sounds like first Peter. Doesn't it? Oh. Nothing to anyone. Except to love. One another. For he who loves. [16:15] His neighbor. Has fulfilled. The law. Now this is similar. To keep your. Behavior. Excellent. Among the Gentiles. Your neighbor. Your neighbor. [16:26] Are. Are all these other people. Those are your neighbors. Not just the people. Who live right next door. To you. Or on your street. So we are to keep. [16:37] Our behavior. Excellent. Among these people. And we are to love. Our neighbor. As a fulfillment. Of the law. For this. You shall not. [16:48] Commit adultery. You shall not murder. You shall not steal. You shall not covet. See those are all sins. Against your neighbor. And if there is. Any other commandment. [16:59] Regarding loving. Your neighbor. It is summed up. In this saying. You shall love. Your neighbor. As yourself. Love. Love. Love. Does. No wrong. [17:10] To a neighbor. Therefore. Love. Is the fulfillment. Of the law. Now I took a little pain there. To. Stop. And highlight. A couple of things. [17:21] And I want you to notice. The concern. That Paul. Himself. Is highlighting. For showing. The love of God. To our neighbor. Folks. That is a paramount. [17:32] Specific. Concern. That Paul. Wants you. And I. To live out. We are to live. With a paramount. Concern. That we are showing. [17:44] The love of God. To our neighbor. And not allowing. Anything in our lives. To get in the way. Of that. No matter what. It costs us. And we're not. Just talking about. [17:55] Believers. In this room. Or fellow believers. In the community. We're talking about. Unbelievers. People who are. Harsh. To us. People who slander us. Malign us. [18:07] Treat us unjustly. That's why he says. Love. Your neighbor. That's. It's. It's not intuitive. For us. To do that. [18:17] Especially to people. Who are. Harsh. With us. I want you to also. If you would. Notice. Before we leave. This section. Notice. The previous. Context. Of Paul's. [18:28] Concern. Concern. Just like we did. With the previous. Context. Of Peter's. Concern. Over in chapter 2. Verse 12. Of 1st Peter. Now let's read about. Paul's concern. [18:39] In the previous. Context. If you look up. Into Romans 12. Beginning. In verse 14. Bless. Those. Who persecute you. [18:50] Bless. And do not curse. Wow. Now that is so. Opposite. Of the world. Isn't it? The world says. You do to me. I'm going to visit. Back on you. Double. [19:01] What you do to me. Verse 15. Rejoice. With those. Who rejoice. And weep. With those. Who weep. Be of the same. [19:12] Mind. Toward one another. Do not be. Haughty. In mind. Haughty. In mind. Is the issue. That's the problem. That creates. [19:23] All of these things. But associate. With the lowly. Do not be wise. In your own. Estimation. Boy. Man. That goes so far. [19:34] For us there. Never pay back evil. For evil. To anyone. Respect what is right. In the sight. [19:44] Of all. Men. If possible. So far. As it depends on you. Be at peace. With all men. [19:56] Never. Take your own. Revenge. Do you know. How many movies. Hollywood. Makes millions. Of dollars. Off of. That have vengeance. As the theme. Is. [20:07] Go on Netflix. Or whatever. Amazon. And just click through. Don't click on them. Just click through. And read the descriptions. [20:17] About how many times. The world visits. Some kind of calamity. On a guy. Or his family. Or increasingly. Ladies. Women. Women. [20:28] Who then. Make it their. Mission in life. To take up arms. And go do. Double vengeance. On the people. Who hurt them. It's everywhere. [20:40] The Bible says. Never take your own. Revenge. Beloved. But leave room. For the wrath of God. For it is written. Vengeance is mine. I. Will repay. Says the Lord. [20:51] But if your enemy. Those who make themselves. Your enemy. If your enemy. Is hungry. Feed him. If he's thirsty. Give him a drink. For in so doing. [21:03] You will heap burning coals. On his head. Now here it is. In verse 21. Do not. Be overcome. By evil. But overcome. Evil. [21:14] With good. Now verse 21. Just sums it all up. And then he launches in. Now notice. Just like Peter does. Notice the very next thing. He says. Look. Do not be overcome. [21:25] By evil. But overcome. Evil. With good. Every person. Is to be. In subjection. To the governing. Authorities. Boom. There it is. [21:37] And we need to read it that way. And we need to receive it. That way. It helps us to. Better understand. The parallel. [21:47] Emphasis. Here in Paul. That we find. With Peter. And what Peter. Is teaching us. So back to. First Peter. Chapter two. Verse 13. [21:59] Submit. Submit. Now here's something interesting. I think. Submit. Is the word. Hupotasso. [22:11] Hupotasso. It's in the imperative mood. In the Greek. And in the imperative mood. In this context. It is a forceful command. [22:21] This is a straight up. Straightforward. Command. It's an imperative. There are many imperatives. In this section of scripture. [22:32] Kind of piled on. One after the another. If you look at. Where is it? Verse 17. Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. [22:43] Fear. Those are all imperatives. Those are all commands. Submit. Is a command. And here's what it means. It means. To line up under. [22:55] To arrange under. It has the idea. Of putting yourself. Under authority. Or lining yourself up. Under. Authority. [23:07] Interestingly. When it was used. In reference. To an army. Particularly. The Roman army. It meant. To arrange. Troops. In military fashion. [23:18] Under their leader. So this could be. A battle formation. This could be. A marching formation. But the authority. Would call. The troops. [23:29] To line up. Under. That's the idea. That's the. Word picture. That Peter. Is using. In this particular. [23:40] Section of scripture. In more common. Usage. In everyday. Usage. It referred. To a. Voluntary. Attitude. Of giving in. [23:51] Cooperating. Assuming. Assuming. Responsibility. Or carrying. A burden. It's something. That you. Willingly. Give. Into. Get. Under. [24:02] Or carry. Assume. On yourself. That's the idea. Behind it. So clearly. Peter. Is establishing. [24:13] That. As. A Christian. You must. Voluntarily. Assume. Personal. Responsibility. For putting. Yourself. Under. Civil. [24:25] Authority. My friends. Neither. Peter. Nor. Paul. Provides. One. Single. Instance. Of exemption. [24:35] From following. These. Commands. Not. One. Here. Is. An extended. Quote. From. Dr. MacArthur. [24:45] That. I thought. You. Would. Find. Helpful. Here. It. Was. Very. Convicting. To your. Pastor. Personally. I've. Already. Confessed. To you. Being. A rebel. At heart. I. [24:57] Really. Struggled. The last. Two. Years. So. Maybe. At the. End. Of my. Sermon. I'll. Have. To. Repent. Publicly. Before. You. Although. Peter. And. Paul. [25:07] Lived. In. The. Openly. Sinful. Decadent. Roman. Empire. A. Society. Infamous. For. Evil. That is. Homosexuality. Infanticide. Government. [25:18] Corruption. Abuse. Of. Women. Immorality. Violence. Actually. That list. He was. Kind of. Tame. I. Thought. Of. Several. Things. I could. Add. To. That list. Neither. Apostle. [25:29] Offered. Any. Exemption. By. Which. Believers. Were. Free. To. Defy. Civil. Authority. Even. Under. All. That. Jesus. Himself. Had. Commanded. Render. [25:40] To. Caesar. The. Things. That. Are. Caesar's. Throughout. History. And. Presently. There. Have. Been. Various. Violations. Of. Ordinances. Acts. Of. Civil. Disobedience. Insurrections. Revolutions. [25:51] And. Different. Subversive. Attempts. To. Overthrow. Governments. All. In. The. Name. Of. Christianity. Scripture. Nowhere. Condones. [26:01] Such. Actions. On. The. Contrary. The. Biblical. Biblical. Command. Is. Simple. Submit. To. Civil. Authority. Regardless. Of. Its. [26:12] Nature. Regardless. Of. Its. Nature. Is. He. Right. Is. This. Really. What. Scripture. Teaches. Us. After. [26:22] All. That's. Just. A quote. From. A man. It's. Helpful. To. Me. Let's. Just. Let. That. Sit. On. Us. For. Just. A second. Submit. [26:33] To. Civil. Authority. Regardless. Of. Its. Nature. Whether. You. Voted. For. The. Guy. In. Office. Or. Not. Whether. You. Elected. The. Civil. [26:44] Officials. In. Your. Local. Government. Community. Or. Not. Whether. Those. People. Are. Dispensing. Good. Laws. Or. Not. All. [26:54] Right. Now. But. Please. Carefully. Consider. The. Following. Teaching. As. Well. [27:05] If. You. Look. In. First. Peter. Chapter. One. Verses. One. And. Two. And. Be. Reminded. Peter. An. Apostle. Of. Jesus. Christ. [27:15] To. Those. Who. Reside. As. Here's. How. He. Characterizes. These. People. As. Aliens. You. Could. Say. Pilgrims. [27:29] Foreigners. And. He. Doesn't. Mean. Nationally. He. Means. Spiritually. Scattered. Throughout. These. Roman. Provinces. These. Are. Roman. Provinces. Pontus. [27:40] Galatia. Cappadocia. Asia. And. Bithynia. Who. Are. Chosen. These. Are. People. Who. Have. Been. Handpicked. [27:51] Chosen. By. God. According. To. The. Foreknowledge. Of. God. The. Father. By. The. Sanctifying. Work. Of. The. Holy. Spirit. To. Obey. Jesus. Christ. [28:01] And. Be. Sprinkled. With. His. Blood. Notice. What. He's. Telling. Us. Notice. What. He's. Giving. Us. Peter. Has. Established. That. [28:11] Every. Christian. Has. Been. Chosen. By. God. To. Obey. The. Government. Is. That. What. It. Says. Who. [28:22] Are. We. To. Obey. According. To. This. Verse. Jesus. Christ. That's. Right. Long. Before. He. Started. Talking. About. Submitting. [28:32] To. The. Government. Right. Off. In. Verse. One. And. In. Verse. Two. He's. Telling. Us. To. Obey. Jesus. Christ. He's. Our. Supreme. Authority. And. [28:43] Then. If you. Look. In. Verse. Three. Blessed. Be. The. God. And. Father. Of. Our. Lord. Jesus. Christ. That's. Not. His. Name. [28:53] His. Name. Isn't. Lord. Jesus. Christ. That's. His. Title. Lord. He's. The. Boss. He. Is. The. Supreme. Authority. [29:05] Blessed. Be. The. God. And. Father. Of. Our. Supreme. Authority. Lord. Jesus. Christ. Who. According. To. His. Great. Mercy. Has. Caused. Us. To. Be. Born. [29:16] Again. Regenerated. Recreated. To. A. Living. Hope. Through. The. Resurrection. Of. Jesus. Christ. From. The. Dead. Whatever. [29:26] We. Are. We. Are. New. In. Christ. We. Are. No. Longer. What. This. World. Made. Us. To. Be. We. [29:36] We. Are. Something. Other. Than. By. His. Great. Mercy. God. Has. Caused. Us. To. Be. Born. Again. To. A. Living. [29:46] Hope. Through. The. Resurrection. Of. Jesus. Christ. From. The. Dead. And. Then. In. Verse. Four. To. Obtain. An. Inheritance. Which. [29:57] Is. Imperishable. Do. You. Notice. That. Inheritance. Part. You. Get. To. Inherit. Because. You. Belong. You. You. You. Part. Of. The. Family. So. You. [30:07] Get. To. Receive. The. Blessings. Of. The. Inheritance. Of. Your. New. Family. Your. New. Status. Okay. To. Obtain. An. Inheritance. [30:17] Which. Is. Imperishable. Undefiled. Will. Not. Fade. Away. And. Reserve. For. You. Where? In. [30:28] Heaven. You. See. All. Of. That. By. This. Great. And. Merciful. Salvation. Wrought. By. God. In. Our. Lives. We. Obtain. [30:39] An. Inheritance. A. Spiritual. Inheritance. And. That. Is. Imperishable. And. Undefiled. And. Cannot. Fade. [30:49] Away. Reserved. In. Heaven. For. Us. Friends. As. Christians. We. Are. Defined. In. This. Life. By. [30:59] Our. New. Heavenly. Destination. In. Which. We. Greatly. Rejoice. Even. [31:11] Though. Now. For. A. Little. While. If. Necessary. We. Are. Being. Distressed. By. Various. Trials. That's. What. Peter. Says. In. The. [31:21] Way. Then. That. Peter. Is. Describing. All. Of. This. You. And. I. Are. Distressed. In. This. Life. By. Various. Trials. Because. We. Are. Christians. [31:32] Because. We. Now. Belong. To. God. Because. We. Have. Inherited. Heaven. In. Jesus. Christ. [31:44] Now. Friends. This. Tension. Is. Our. Reality. As. Citizens. Of. Heaven. That's. Why. The. Tension. Exists. [31:54] There's. No. Tension. Before. This. Before. Your. Salvation. None. Before. Your. Salvation. You're. [32:04] A. Product. Of. This. Earth. You. Are. Earthly. Minded. Sinful. Right. Lost. Without. Hope. When. [32:16] You. Were. Saved. In. Christ. Jesus. You. Were. Put. In. Instant. Tension. With. The. World. Now. You're. Swimming. Upstream. In. The. Current. [32:30] This. Is. Very. Very. Important. For. Us. To. Understand. And. Accept. And. To. Think. About. We. Have. This. Tension. In. Life. Because. We. Are. Christians. [32:41] We. Belong. To. God. This. Is. All. According. To. Our. New. Spiritual. Nature. Of. Being. Born. Again. Well. We're. [32:51] Currently. According. To. Peter. According. To. Paul. We. Are. Pilgrims. Aliens. Strangers. Sojourners. We. Are. Passers. Through. In. [33:01] This. Life. The. Apostle. Paul. Also. Adds. To. Our. Understanding. Of. Who. We. Belong. To. And. Ultimately. Ultimately. Who. It. Is. [33:12] That. We. Answer. To. Let. Me. Just. Show. You. A. Couple. Of. Places. Look. At. Philippians. Three. With. Me. If. You. Would. Is. This. Me. No. We. Don't. Know. It. Might. Be. That. Channel. Again. [33:23] It. Was. Popping. Last. Time. We. Had. That. Channel. Thing. I'm. Sorry. About. That. Guys. You. Just. Have. To. Kind. Of. Bear. With. Us. On. It. Philippians. Three. Verse. Twenty. [33:44] Lord. Jesus. Christ. Now. I. Want. To. Ask. You. Are. You. Eagerly. Waiting. And. Are. You. Doing. Things. In. Your. Life. To. Help. Build. A. Sense. Of. Eagerness. For. [33:54] Heaven. Are. You. Eager. For. Jesus. Return. Are. You. Eager. For. Heaven. Because. I'll. Tell. You. Something. That. You. [34:04] Already. Know. Mask. Mandates. And. Vaccine. Mandates. And. All. These. Other. Things. That. Have. Hit. Us. Can. Rob. You. Of. Your. Eagerness. For. Heaven. [34:15] Because. It. Makes. You. Forget. You. A. Christian. You. Lose. Your. Salvation. In. That. Moment. You. Understand. What. I. Mean. All. Right. For. The. Tape. We. [34:25] Baptists. We. Do. Not. Believe. You. Can. Lose. Your. Salvation. I'm. Just. Trying. To. Make. A. Point. Paul. Says. Your. Citizenship. Is. [34:35] In. Heaven. From. Which. You. Eagerly. Wait. For. Your. Savior. The. Lord. Jesus. Christ. Now. Look. At. The. Context. Brethren. Verse. 17. Join. In. Following. My. Example. [34:46] And. Observe. Those. Who. Walk. According. To. The. Pattern. You. Have. In. I. [34:57] Have. Often. Told. You. And. Now. Tell. You. Even. Weeping. He's. Heartbroken. Over. This. They. Are. Enemies. Of. The. Cross. Of. Jesus. Whose. End. Is. Destruction. Whose. [35:07] God. Is. Their. Appetite. Whose. Glory. Is. In. Their. Shame. They. Set. Their. Minds. On. Earthly. Things. Now. The. Contrast. But. Our. Citizenship. Is. In. Heaven. You. See. The. Contrast. [35:17] He's. Making. That's. The. Point. Of. The. Context. You're. Citizens. Of. Heaven. Look. With. Me. At. Colossians. Two. Since. We're. Right. Here. At. The. Book. Of. Colossians. Two. Verse. [35:30] Nine. For. In. Him. That. Is. In. Jesus. For. In. Jesus. All. The. Fullness. Of. Deity. Dwells. In. [35:46] Jesus. You. Have. Been. Made. Complete. And. Now. This. Jesus. Is. The. [35:56] Head. Over. All. Rule. And. Authority. Who's. The. Head. Over. All. Rule. And. Authority. Jesus. Who is. Your. Ultimate. [36:07] Authority. In. Your. Life. Who. Defines. Your. Life. Who. Are. You. Eagerly. Looking. For. In. Your. Life. Christ. [36:18] Christ. Christ. I. Asked. You. Last. Week. As. I. Ended. My. Message. I. Put. A. Couple. Of. Questions. Up. On. The. [36:29] Screen. And. One. Of. Them. Was. Who's. The. Central. Character. In. The. Passage. Of. Scripture. That. I'm. Going. To. Read. To. You. And. I. Read. To. You. All. Of. Chapter. Two. And. Chapter. Three. And. I. Who. [36:39] Is. The. Central. Character. Who's. Peter. Focusing. On. And. Talking. About. What's. The. Answer. Jesus. Christ. Amen. Amen. That's. [36:51] What. We're. Seeing. Here. And. Then. Finally. Let me. Just. Show. You. One. More. Because. It's. Close. To. Hebrews. Hebrew. Or. Close. To. Peter. Hebrews. 13. 14. [37:01] Sorry. I'm. Even. Distracted. By. This. Thing. Hebrews. 13. 14. For. Here. [37:12] Here. We. Do. Not. Have. A. Lasting. City. But. We. Are. Seeking. The. City. Which. Is. To. Come. And. So. The. Question. Is. Are. You. Seeking. [37:23] The. City. Which. Is. To. Come. This. Is. All. A. Way. Of. Reinforcing. To. Our. Minds. And. Our. Hearts. We. Are. Not. Citizens. Here. We. Talk. About. Citizenship. Don't. We. We. [37:33] Talk. About. Being. Citizens. Of. This. Country. Or. That. Country. And. We. Have. A. Passport. And. It. Tells. Where. We. Belong. And. Where. We. Were. Born. And. When. You. Think. Of. Citizenship. [37:44] You. Think. Of. Certain. Rights. And. Privileges. That. Attain. To. That. Citizenship. Right. And. So. For. Those. Who. Come. Into. Our. Country. Who. Are. Not. Citizens. Those. [37:54] Rights. And. Privileges. Don't. Attain. To. Them. They. Don't. Apply. To. Them. Right. So. When. We. Think. Of. Citizenship. We. Think. Of. That. And. Yet. We. Been. [38:04] Made. Citizens. Of. Heaven. That. Was. Something. That. God. Wrought. In. Our. Lives. By. His. Sovereign. Mercy. And. Grace. Now. What. What. Does. Take. [38:15] All. Of. This. Together. What. Does. All. Of. This. Mean. And. Why. Am. I. Doing. This. What. Does. It. All. Mean. And. Why. Am. I. Doing. This. Ultimately. As. Christians. As. Christians. Ultimately. [38:26] We. Are. Not. Under. Human. Authority. Now. Doesn't. That. Just. Muddy. The. Waters. God. Is. Our. Ultimate. [38:36] Authority. And. We. Answer. To. Him. As. His. Children. And. As. Citizens. Of. His. Heavenly. Kingdom. We. Are. Not. Commanded. To. Blindly. Obey. [38:47] The. Government. Okay. I. Knew. I. Get. An. Amen. Out. Of. That. Buckle. Up. Hold. On. That. Is. True. And. [38:58] I. Wanted. To. Throw. That. In. There. So. All. Of. You. Wouldn't. Quit. The. Church. And. Greg. And. I. Be. Here. By. Our. Next. Sunday. When. I. Go. To. Preach. The. Next. Part. So. Here. [39:08] The. Question. Now. Please. Hear. It. Carefully. So. How. Do. We. Then. Reconcile. Our. Obedience. To. [39:18] God. Is. Our. Ultimate. Authority. With. Peter's. Instruction. About. Our. Obedience. To. Human. Authority. Period. How. Do. We. Reconcile. [39:29] That. If. God. Is. Our. Ultimate. Authority. Then. Why. Is. Peter. Telling. Us. Without. Caveat. Submit. Yourselves. To. [39:39] The. Government. Marie. Volunteered. To. Come. Up. And. Give. A. Testimony. About. How. That. Answers. Out. For. Us. And. Take. Me. [39:49] Off. The. Hook. She's. Saying. No. Way. Jose. This. Is. The. Heart. Of. The. Matter. This. Is. The. Heart. Of. The. Matter. Before. Us. As. We. Consider. Our. [40:00] Submission. So. Let me. Let. Let. Us. Off. The. Hook. Sorry. [40:16] About. That. Guys. Let. Me. Give. Us. The. Bottom. Line. And. Then. We'll. Take. Some. Time. To. Develop. The. Bottom. Line. From. This. Text. We'll. Do. A. Little. Bit. More. Today. In. [40:26] The. Next. 15. Minutes. Or. So. And. Then. We'll. Do. God. Willing. If. I. Have. Breath. For. Life. And. You. Do. Two. We'll. Come. Back. Next. Week. And. We'll. Do. Some. More. All. Right. Here. Is. Peter's. [40:37] Answer. The. Bottom. Line. We. Reconcile. God's. Authority. And. Human. Authority. When. We. Submit. To. Human. Authorities. Because. [40:48] Of. Our. Relationship. With. God. Because. As. We. Submit. To. Human. Authority. Appointed. By. God. We. [40:59] Do. The. Will. Of. God. And. We. Please. Him. In. Our. Testimony. In. Faith. Our. [41:09] Instinct. And. Intention. Should. Be. To. Obey. Not. To. Rebel. Not. To. Find. Wiggle. Room. Not. To. Caveat. Not. To. [41:19] Look. For. The. Eject. Handle. How. Can. I. Get. Out. From. Under. This. How. Can. I. Speak.. Against. This. How. Can. I. Overturn. This. No. According. [41:31] To. Scripture. Our. Instinct. And. Intention. Should. Be. To. Obey. Why. Because. Of. What's. Up. There. What. [41:42] Does. The. Scripture. Tell. Us. No. One. On. The. Planet. Earth. Is. In. Authority. Apart. From. God. Appointing. Them. To. That. Authority. [41:54] I. Don't. Know. How. To. Help. You. Reconcile. Hitler. And. Stalin. And. All. The. Different. Despots. But. Folks. Next. Week. God. Willing. I'm. Going. To. Give. You. A. Little. History. [42:04] Lesson. On. Nero. And. Some. Of. The. Context. That. Peter. Is. Writing. From. And. You're. Going. To. See. That. We. Don't. Have. Anything. Over. What. These. People. Were. Under. Nero. [42:15] Murdered. Peter. And. Paul. Along. With. Thousands. And. Thousands. And. Thousands. Of. Other. Christians. And. [42:26] In. Nero's. Time. Probably. More. Than. Just. About. Any. Other. Roman. Emperor. In. Ancient. History. Nero. Demanded. That. People. Worship. [42:36] Him. As. A. Deity. Every. Roman. Emperor. Was. Put. Forward. As. Deity. Just. Like. The. Japanese. Did. With. Their. [42:46] Emperors. They. Are. Gods. And. So. You're. To. Bow. To. Them. And. Worship. Them. And. Listen. To. Them. As. God. That. Was. [42:57] Nero. And. Nero. Went. Out. Of. His. Way. To. Get. People. To. Worship. Him. As. A. God. Now. You're. A. Christian. Living. In. Nero's. Time. And. Laws. [43:07] Are. Being. Passed. To. Make. You. Bow. To. Nero. As. A. God. What. Do. You. Do. And. So. Peter. Writes. First. [43:18] And. Second. Peter. To. Christians. Scattered. All. Over. The. Roman. Empire. And. He. Says. This. Submit. Yourselves. [43:32] Period. Submit. Yourselves. And. [43:43] I. Was. Convicted. Even. In. Our. Civil. Disobedience. [43:55] We. Can. Faithfully. Fulfill. The. Truth. Of. What. Peter. And. Paul. Are. Calling. Us. To. In. Our. Submission. To. Governing. Authorities. Did. You. Hear. Me. Say. That. Now. This. [44:10] Message. Isn't. The. Time. For. Me. To. Preach. Civil. Disobedience. To. You. Because. That's. Not. What. The. Text. Says. But. I'm. Not. Saying. [44:20] That. The. Bible. Doesn't. Teach. That. There. Are. Standards. By. Which. We. Must. At. Time. Say. Respectfully. And. Humbly. No. Sir. [44:31] We. Can't. Do. That. That's. Not. This. Message. And. There's. A. Reason. For. That. There's. A. Reason. That. Peter. Starts. Here. With. [44:41] Submit. Yourselves. And. As. You. Read. Through. The. Text. You. Will. Not. Find. Exemptions. Or. Caveats. You. Won't. Find. It. Here. This. Isn't. The. Place. That. You. Go. To. Preach. That. [44:52] It's. Not. Here. Now. What. You. Have. To. Ask. Yourself. Is. Why. Not. And. When. You. Hear. The. History. More. Of. The. History. Next. Week. None. Of. It. Will. Surprise. You. [45:02] Necessarily. I've. Shared. A. Little. Bit. Along. The. Way. It. It. Might. Amaze. You. Even. More. That. Peter. Would. Not. Include. One. Single. Exemption. In. [45:13] Any. Of. His. Instruction. To. These. People. There's. It's. He. Doesn't. Say. Unless. Or. Well. But. Keep. In. Mind. If. [45:24] He. Doesn't. Say. That. So. This. Is. The. First. Message. We. Need. To. Take. Into. Our. Heart. I. Say. It. Again. Even. If. [45:34] Even. In. A. Time. Of. Civil. Disobedience. You. And. I. Can. Faithfully. Fulfill. The. Truth. Of. What. Peter. And. Paul. [45:45] Are. Calling. Us. To. In. Our. Submission. To. Governing. Authorities. Now. That's. What. I. Want. To. Help. You. With. Folks. [45:56] The. Past. Two. Years. Have. Been. A. Time. Of. Unprecedented. Challenges. For. The. Church. For. The. World. For. [46:06] People. Obviously. By. What. We've. Read. From. Peter. And. Paul. Even. Just. This. Morning. The. Church. Has. Seen. Its. Share. Of. Challenges. [46:18] With. The. State. Throughout. History. That's. True. But. The. Pressures. People. Have. Faced. In. General. [46:28] And. Which. The. Church. Has. Faced. In. Navigating. COVID. Have. Been. Mind. Boggling. I've. [46:38] Been. Hearing. That. Many. Pastors. Have. Left. The. Ministry. During. The. Past. Two. Years. Due. To. The. COVID. Situation. Good. [46:49] Men. They. Have. Gotten. Out. Of. The. Ministry. Because. Of. This. You. Will. Hear. This. On. Nine. Marks. Podcasts. You. [47:00] Hear. It. On. Other. Podcasts. From. Places. That. I. Followed. This. Has. Become. A. Hot. Topic. Among. Pastors. Talking. About. How. Many. Of. Our. Brothers. Have. Left. [47:10] The. Ministry. In. The. Last. Couple. Of. Years. Because. Of. How. How. Hard. It. Has. Been. On. Them. To. Try. And. Navigate. The. Church. Through. COVID. I'm. [47:20] Not. Making. Any. Judgments. On. Those. Men. The. Ongoing. Challenges. And. The. Difficult. Pressures. Of. Making. Decisions. Of. [47:31] Meeting. Or. Not. Meeting. Of. Leading. The. Church. Even. Faithfully. Has. Taken. A. To. Rule. On. God's. People. And. God's. Shepherds. I'm. [47:41] Not. In. In. That. Greg. And. I. Are. Pastors. And. We've. Had. To. Lead. This. Church. Through. All. Of. That. And. It. Hasn't. Been. Easy. At. All. It's. [47:51] Just. The. Truth. I. Don't. Have. To. Tell. You. Guys. About. The. Tensions. And. The. Divisions. Which. Are. Still. Plaguing. Many. Many. Churches. In. [48:01] Our. Country. And. Across. The. Globe. Plaguing. Congregations. Fellow. Christians. Folks. God's. People. In. A. Big. Way. Are. Divided. [48:12] In. The. Wake. Of. COVID. Mandates. In. Ongoing. Legislation. And. Debates. It's. The. Truth. Do. You. Know. That. There. Are. Still. Churches. Even. In. They're. [48:27] Going. To. Meet. Again. There. Are. People. All. Over. The. World. Who. Were. Attending. Churches. Prior. To. The. COVID. Outbreak. And. They. Haven't. Been. Back. To. A. [48:38] Gathering. Of. The. Church. Since. And. In. Many. Cases. Probably. Will. Never. Return. We. Are. Hearing. This. From. Missionaries. All. Over. Europe. Where. [48:48] We're. We're. In. In. [48:58] Because. Many. People. In. Their. Congregations. Refuse. To. Come. Back. They're. Fearful. They're. Just. Full. Of. Fear. And. This. Is. [49:08] Going. On. All. Over. The. World. Not. Just. In. Our. Country. And. People. Are. Divided. Over. It. You. Can. See. It. All. Day. [49:19] Every. Day. In. The. Media. As. People. Here. And. Around. The. World. Divide. In. The. Wake. Of. These. COVID. Mandate. Mandates. And. Legislations. Going. On. [49:29] It's. It's. Crazy. It's. Sad. It's. Tragic. It's. Hard. Now. Please. Hear. Me. Clearly. On. This. Today. Today. [49:40] Currently. The. World. Is. Full. Of. Fear. About. What. COVID. Has. Revealed. About. Us. More. [49:50] Than. From. Fear. Of. COVID. Many. Of. Them. Don't. Know. To. Say. That. They. Think. They're. Scared. Of. [50:01] COVID. The. Reality. Is. They're. More. Afraid. Of. What. COVID. Has. Shown. Them. About. Themselves. And. They. Don't. Have. An. Answer. [50:12] We. Do. But. If. We're. Wrapped. Up. In. Ourselves. And. In. Our. Rights. And. In. Taking. Up. The. Mantle. [50:22] Of. What's. Right. And. Wrong. In. Terms. Of. Our. Opinions. And. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. [50:39] In. [50:51] In. On. and we have an unparalleled opportunity for Christ's church to offer the world what it is so desperate for genuine hope genuine hope everybody everywhere is asking what's on the other side of all of this what is the world going to look like globally this has impacted businesses you know this I don't have to preach all that prices have gone out of the roof on on just so many things there are places in the world you can't even get common items because the workers won't show up to work because of COVID and everybody's asking the question are we ever going to get back to what we were before I don't even know if that's a good thing this is why what Peter tells us about submission is the message of our day [51:59] Peter's message points us to our only hope our only hope is not submitting to the government I told you that's his directive that's not his main objective that's just how he wants to see us fulfill it it's here in this message that we find our greatest opportunity to showcase the character of the Lord Jesus Christ as we follow his example of submission and suffering for the sake of God and his truth this is sobering and I know it is so I'm going to repeat what I said in my introduction my pastoral concern is that we would nurture a godly desire and a persevering commitment to take full advantage of the many God-ordained opportunities for showing the love and character of Jesus Christ through our submission and humility to civil authority now here is something here is something that most Christians in my experience do not truly understand or apply in the ways they respond and have responded to civil authority especially in the last couple of years and and the world certainly doesn't understand this here it is the biblical reasons we submit to governing authorities are the same biblical reasons we could find ourselves having to refuse to obey those same authorities [53:46] God God appointed them so we submit ourselves God appointed them that's the same reason we might find ourselves having to say no God appointed them there is a higher authority we answer to in both cases we obey because God appointed them we might have to disobey because God because God appointed them what doesn't change in that equation God and our obedience to the Lord and Christians have missed that and they've made it an either or and it's a both and what is required is humility humility and discernment and that's why our intention needs to be to submit our knee jerk cannot be rebellion our first heart's intention is to ask the question how can I obey this even if it's inconvenient look masks are inconvenient [55:38] I get it I understand the nuances of the issues I pray you will prayerfully receive this wisdom of God and that these sermons will encourage your heart in light of COVID and I pray that we will be able to apply God's truth so that mask mandates vaccines conspiracies profiteering profiteering politicking and any other aspect of this issue will not draw our hearts away and our efforts away from submission to and suffering for the sake of Jesus Christ please hear your pastor's heart friends as I try my best to convey the heart of the author of this passage to you we need to think on that we need to think on submit yourselves without any caveats cautions or qualifications submit yourselves that's our starting place then we can consider the biblical cautions and qualifications because I'm not saying they're not there [57:08] I'm just saying they're not there in first Peter and they're not there in Romans 13 they're not and there's a reason they're not and these are two authors who lost their heads lost their lives because they lived what they wrote you remember who Peter was Peter's the only apostle to pull his sword and do damage to another human being for Jesus Christ and what did Jesus tell him put your sword up it's not what this is about Peter was the only apostle the only one to rebuke [58:15] Jesus you talk about a rebel that's the man who's writing this he's the guy that that got crucified upside down it's sobering we need to think about it we need to let this settle in our hearts now a quick word I need to repent before you publicly as your pastor the last two years I have struggled in my heart because I have hated hated in my heart some and I have wanted to draw the sword big time and it is by the grace of God and a godly wife that it has stayed sheathed and I do not say that to you in pride I say it in humility and asking for your forgiveness forgiveness I pray to God that my rebel nature has not led you wrong if it has you need to come to me and tell me so I can seek your forgiveness eyeball to eyeball if I have discouraged you if you feel like [59:32] I have misstepped come to me and confront me today before you leave and let me own it and ask for your forgiveness as far as I know I haven't or I already would have come to you individually but I know what's been in my heart as I studied this I was the guy saying to my wife screaming in my house I've had enough I'm leading revolt I'm going to go out and get people and we're going to march and we're going to get this thing settled we are not going to have this we're going to get that's that's who I am and then I read this and wept before the Lord and said God forgive me I want to stand for Christ and if I'm going to draw the sword and die I want to make sure that [60:33] I'm doing it for truth and to draw the sword means this folks not not literally to draw this draw the Bible and stand on scripture so as I repented before the Lord over the last couple of weeks asking God to help me with this in my heart the main thing I've asked the Lord is this God help me to be willing to suffer like the apostles and like Jesus and differentiate from when I'm being inconvenienced and my pride is just getting up and taking a stand for truth and there are principles that we can all follow that will help us do that and be discerning about that but God help us that we would ever be the kind of people who would foment insurrection and anarchy that that that is not the biblical way that is not the way of the example of Jesus and we certainly don't want that stuff going around in our hearts undetected and undealt with because it will start to show in the way that we talk to people and deal with people and what comes out of our mouth and people will hear us complaining and whining and griping and we'll sound just like them and miss the opportunity to stand for [61:55] Christ and show much grace to do good works and to show them there is a difference that Jesus lives in us and makes in us and we're willing to suffer for the cause and for the sake of Jesus even under unjust treatment we're faced right now with a desire to do some mission work in the fall there's a possibility that that would open up for us and what's before us is will we get vaccinated and I can tell you now we're not vaccinated but if it means that we can do mission work overseas and we have to get vaccinated to do it I'm getting vaccinated I will not let that stand between me and what God calls us to and opens doors for us to be involved in the way of celebrate in the Lord next week and thank God for his grace in the degree that I've just received one of the main reasons [62:57] I went into that degree program was to open up doors of opportunity for missions work that wasn't the primary reason but it was one of them and so I trust the Lord that if it requires me to get a vaccine to go overseas and minister to God's the worst thing that can happen is that I die from it it's not something I'm looking for but that is in the Lord here's where we come to the place where we ask ourselves do we really believe that God is sovereign now the reason and then I'm done the reason I'm sharing this with you is I don't want you to leave here and think that what I'm preaching to you right now is something that is more not real to me it's more principle than it is reality it's not it's very real so [63:58] I hope you'll pray with me and I hope you'll come back next Sunday and continue to hear this as we exalt Jesus and ask the Lord to help us understand this and I hope you'll pray for your pastor I'm not speaking for Greg I'm speaking for me pray for me as I try to submit myself first to the Lord and then to my governing authorities and be willing to suffer and know how to draw the line so that I'm not drawing the line and saying I'm tired of suffering that's been my heart I'm tired of this instead of does this violate Jesus we'll talk more about that in the next couple of sermons we're going to talk more about that and we're going to talk about Grace Church's response in the last couple of years and how we're framing our future responses if the government overreach happens again okay we're trying to prepare and we're trying to do the right thing all right let's pray together well father god as we bow our hearts before you we feel a tremendous challenge in scripture there are questions that we have they're not answered yet there are issues in our hearts that we feel convicted about there's a certain anger [65:20] I think father that my brothers and sisters feel over the way that we have been treated and mistreated in the last couple of years there is a certain righteous indignation that some of us are holding because we have seen a great injustice done around the world as people have been living in fear and the government has in many instances sought to shut the church down and make the church comply when the church was what was needed to stand up and give hope to those people who were living in fear and what it's taught us Lord is that we need your wisdom I thank you so much for my brothers and sisters here I thank you that as Greg and I have led them in the past couple of years as we have served them and ministered to them we haven't experienced that terrible division that so many other congregations have been torn apart by your people here at [66:22] Grace Church have received on the whole with humility the teaching of scripture and the leading of their shepherds and you have given us a wonderful spirit of unity and so publicly I'm praying that in their presence to thank you because we all know that that spirit of unity is from your grace your heart your mercy as you rally us around your truth I pray that you'll continue to give my brothers and sisters I pray that you will inform their consciences from truth that you will help them to stand courageously on conviction and above all things you will help us to love Jesus supremely and that you will help us to show his love to others people who don't understand people who are scared people who are saying terrible things and out of panic doing crazy things help us to bring a sense of calm and hope and peace as we live for [67:26] Jesus and trust you with the details of our lives thank you for Peter thank you for his message of submission and as we anticipate moving through the remainder of this text and dealing with these other characteristics of submission we pray that you'll help us to take this into our hearts God that we might be better servants of you your truth and one another thank you for repentance thank you for forgiveness thank you for your direction thank you for grace church it's in Jesus name and for his sake that we pray these things amen