Living to Display God's Grace: Submission to Civil Authorities (Part 2)

1 Peter: Holy Living in a Hostile Land - Part 16


Jeff Jackson

June 5, 2022


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[0:01] The title of my message is continuing to be Living to Display God's Grace. Living to Display God's Grace.

[0:11] We'll have a number of messages under this title as we work through this particular section of Scripture. We're looking at 1 Peter 2, 13-17. And we're talking about submission to civil authorities.

[0:26] Our submission to civil authorities. How timely, given that we've come off of two years of COVID mandates, unprecedented rules and regulations that have limited our lives and structured things for us.

[0:43] And we have seen this around the world, not just in the U.S. And in some places, these lockdowns and mandates and rules and regulations are still firmly in place.

[0:55] We're in contact with a number of missionaries overseas, particularly in Europe. And there are lots and lots of places where restaurants are still closed. In other cases, they won't let you in unless you're wearing a mask.

[1:08] They take your temperature, etc., etc. I mean, it's pretty serious everywhere. So in light of all of that, I think it's very timely that we're coming to this particular section of Scripture to give instruction to our hearts about what it means to submit to human authority.

[1:25] Let's read our passage together and be reminded of what we're dealing with. Peter, in chapter 2, verse 13, begins this way. Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority or to governors as sent by the king for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right.

[1:49] For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men. Act as free men and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bond slaves of God.

[2:05] Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king. Now he goes on for a number of verses to talk about submission as a theme.

[2:19] But we're going to stop there. We're trying to work our way through this. I will give you one of the other characteristics that we'll talk about in a little while that relates to how Peter wants us to understand our submission to human authority, our submission to the governing authorities in our lives, whether they be from the highest point of the president of the United States, whether you voted for him or not.

[2:45] That's not in here. You can't find that in the white spaces. Whether it's down to local authorities, the people that you pay your money to when you pay your utility bills, the people who oversee all of that, right?

[2:58] You don't have to pay them, but then you don't get their services, do you? So we are under the authority of a number of different people and required to follow certain rules. Peter has all of that in mind as he writes to these folks because he mentions the fact that from the emperor, the current Roman emperor, down to local governors, these people are being required by scripture and the authority of Peter as an apostle of Christ to submit to these authorities.

[3:31] Now, I want to begin by saying your salvation as a Christian, as you have come to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and been forgiven for those sins in your life by him, by grace through faith, you've become a Christian.

[3:45] Your salvation then has automatically put you at odds with your world. You are now a fish swimming upstream against the current of this world system and society, and all it took for that to happen was for God to draw your heart to Christ and for you to say yes to Jesus.

[4:09] That's all it took. You don't have to be somebody out here picketing and rebelling in different ways and all that kind of thing. You're already swimming upstream against the current of our society because you are born again.

[4:24] You are in Christ. That's already the reality that we live in as Christians. So faithfully living your Christian life expresses, now catch this, the contrast of light and darkness.

[4:39] You have been brought from darkness into light in the Lord Jesus Christ. And so your Christian life as you're left here on this earth and until God takes you to heaven is about you living that contrast.

[4:54] Now here at grace, we try to encourage you to live more in terms of what you stand for than what you stand against. But by standing for something, you automatically give impression as to what you don't stand for or what you stand against.

[5:12] But we emphasize the standing for. In other words, another way we can say that is this. I love the Lord Jesus Christ. My life is found in Jesus Christ. Therefore, I do not love this world and my life is not found in this world.

[5:25] Now, at one time in your life before Christ, that wasn't true, was it? Your life was in this world. You were owned by Satan. He was your master. You were living in darkness as we read throughout the New Testament.

[5:40] But thanks be to God and hallelujah through your salvation. You were brought out of this world system and adopted into a new life. Consider this, friends. When writing to the Ephesian believers, Paul characterized our life of contrast with our world in this particular way.

[5:58] If you turn to Ephesians chapter 4 with me, let me just continue to whet your appetite for what we'll do just for a few minutes in 1 Peter before we turn to take the Lord's table together.

[6:10] In Ephesians 4, let's let Paul weigh in a little bit as we did last week. And remember, for those of you who are visiting, you're kind of jumping in in the middle of all of this. Paul says in chapter 4, verse 17, remember, we're reading about the contrast.

[6:28] So this I say and affirm together with the Lord that you walk no longer. That is, you live. That is, your lifestyle. No longer, just as the Gentiles, unbelievers, also walk.

[6:43] How do they walk? In the futility of their own minds. Being darkened in their understanding. Excluded from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them.

[6:57] So this is something that is endemic to them. This is something that is part of their nature. Because of the hardness of their hearts. And they, having become callous, have given themselves over to sensuality.

[7:12] For the practice of every kind of impurity with greediness. Greediness then becomes the root that bears the fruit of all this different sin in their life.

[7:23] But you did not learn Christ in this way. You see the contrast? The turning now. But the adversive there tells us. If indeed you have heard him and have been taught in him.

[7:36] Just as truth is in Jesus. That in reference to your former manner of life. You lay aside the old self.

[7:48] Which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit. And that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind. And put on the new self.

[8:00] Which in the likeness of God. Has been created in righteousness. And holiness of the truth. And then he spells out what that looks like as we live it out together.

[8:13] That's the contrast that we've been called to. From our former manner of life. Into living in our new self. In Christ Jesus. If you go a little further with me then.

[8:25] And drop down into chapter 5. Paul elaborates a little further. Chapter 5 beginning in verse 1 of Ephesians. Therefore. Be imitators of God.

[8:37] Now unbelievers cannot do that. Only Christians can do this. By grace through faith. Be imitators of God. As beloved children.

[8:49] In other words. Live out of your nature. Live out of who you've been made to be. Let the world see that you belong to someone else.

[9:00] Not something. Someone. Someone. Walk in love. Well. That makes sense. If you're going to be an imitator of God.

[9:11] You would imagine that your life would be characterized by the love of God. And that love was manifest in your life. In that while you were helpless. And yet a sinner.

[9:21] Christ died for. You. The ungodly. That's love. You didn't deserve that. Walk in love. Just as.

[9:34] Christ also loved you. And gave himself up for us. An offering and a sacrifice to God. As a fragrant aroma. And then he goes on to spell out.

[9:45] Let no immorality or any impurity. Or here it is again. Greed. Even be named among you. As is proper among the saints. So he's calling us. To a holy life.

[9:55] Now. Compare this counsel from Paul. With what Peter will tell us. In his book. In chapter four. So.

[10:06] Go back to first Peter for me. If you would. And look in chapter four. Beginning in verse one. Now. We'll get here. It may be three or four years.

[10:16] Before we get here. But we will get here. God willing. And he gives us breath for life. Peter says. Therefore. Now he's going to come up. With a therefore.

[10:27] After everything he's been saying. In the first three chapters. Therefore. Since Christ. Has suffered in the flesh. Arm yourselves. Also. With the same.

[10:39] Purpose. Because. He who has suffered in the flesh. Has ceased from sin. So as to live the rest of the time. In the flesh. No longer for the lusts.

[10:51] Of men. There's your lusts of deceit. From Paul. But for the will of God. See. We've been called out of one. And into another. For the time already.

[11:04] Past. Is sufficient for you. To have carried out. The desire. Of the unbelievers. Of the Gentiles. Having pursued. A course. This was our former life. Now. Having pursued.

[11:16] A course. Of sensuality. Lust. Drunkenness. Carousing. Drinking parties. Abominable. Abominable. Well. There you go. Idolatries. In all this.

[11:29] They are. Now. Get this. In all this. They are surprised. That you do not run with them. Into the same excesses. Of dissipation. And they malign you.

[11:39] But they will give an account. To him. Who is ready to judge. The living and the dead. Now. Have you had that experience. In your life. When you came to know Christ. And the crowd. That you used to run with.

[11:50] Became your enemies. As it were. Not by any intention. Or design. That you had. But the fact. That your life. Had been turned. 180 degrees. In repentance. To now follow Christ.

[12:00] Put you at odds. With what you. Formally were. And that was enough. Then. For that contrast. To be sharp. Right.

[12:11] If you. Visited. Any of the people. That you were running with. And began to share. With them. What happened to you. I remember. It happened to me. That way. I thought. They'd be. You know. Kind of excited.

[12:22] And I shared it with them. And boy. They didn't like it. They like. What? I was the guy. On Sunday. That was out at the lake. And I thought. Christians were morons. I really did. I thought.

[12:32] That's dumb. That. They got two days off. They're going to use. One of them. To go sit. And listen to somebody. Preach at them. What's that? Well. Of course. I felt that way. I had no love for Christ.

[12:42] In my heart. I had no love for the truth. I had love for me. So it was all about me. And I lived that way. And it looked that way. Well. Don't you think.

[12:53] That if you contrast that. With. Now I live for Christ. And it's all about Christ. That it would look very different. From what it was before. Absolutely.

[13:03] Whether you're six years old. Or sixty. When you come to Christ. It's a radical change. When Jesus comes to live in you. That's what we're highlighting. That's what Peter wants to highlight.

[13:14] That's what Paul wants to highlight. Let's go a little further. Consider. What Peter's already told us. About our spiritual status. Now I'm just. I'm just tilling the soil.

[13:25] Laying the groundwork here. Let's consider what Peter's already told us. About our spiritual status. As believers. We have to remember. That everything he's telling us now.

[13:35] In the way of these imperatives. Do you know what those are? Are based in the indicatives. Of our Christian walk. Because of what Jesus has done.

[13:46] For us. And in us. We are then called. To live out. For him. So we have an indicative. Who we are in Christ. Being turned into.

[13:56] An imperative. A command. How we live for Christ. This is what Peter's wanting. But we have to start with. Who are we in the Lord Jesus? What is this new nature?

[14:07] So our new status is in chapter 2. Verses 9 and 10. But you. Are a chosen race. You. Are a royal priesthood.

[14:19] Now this is all by grace through faith. This is all the work of a sovereign God. You. Are a holy nation. A people for God's own possession. Isn't that beautiful?

[14:30] Don't you want to just shout to the world. I am a person of God's own possession. He possesses me. He owns me. I belong to him. So that. Now why did God make you all that?

[14:42] Why did God bring you into that new spiritual reality? Read carefully friends. So that. You may proclaim the excellencies of yourself. No.

[14:54] It doesn't say that does it? Of him. Of him. Of the one who has called you. Out of darkness. Into his marvelous light. Now that's a reason to.

[15:05] Kick up your heels. And say thank you God. For you. Once. We're not a people. But now. You are the people of God.

[15:16] You are precious in the sight of God folks. You had not received mercy. But now. You have received. Mercy. So God has made us a part.

[15:27] Of a new nation. Of humanity. Whose home. Is not this world. Now Peter's laid all this groundwork.

[15:38] You remember these messages. He's carefully laid the groundwork. Of your salvation. Your new nature. Your new home. The fact that you are citizens. Of heaven.

[15:50] Not of this earth. We may call ourselves citizens. Of this country. Or that country. But if you're saved. And in the Lord. The greater reality. About your life. Is you are a citizen. A child.

[16:00] Of almighty God. A citizen of heaven. That's who you are. That is the most important thing. About your life. And your new nature. If you go a little bit.

[16:11] Further with me. He goes on to say this. In 11 and 12. I'm just walking you. Into the context. Beloved. I urge you. Verse 11. Beloved.

[16:22] I urge you. As aliens and strangers. See. He comes right out with it. To abstain then. From fleshly lusts. Because why? That's what characterizes.

[16:32] The unbelievers. The unbelievers. Of our world. That's what used to characterize. Your life. Before Christ. You're an alien. And a stranger. To this world now. So abstain from the things.

[16:42] That don't match. Your new life. In the Lord. They actually serve. To wage war. Against your soul. The very things. That you used to love. And like. And do. They were the destroyers.

[16:54] Of your soul. Don't go back there. You've heard. Pastors say things like this. Don't go back. To playing. In the mud pies. When you have the treasures.

[17:05] Of heaven. At your feet. And that greatest treasure. Men. The men who were at our men's. Breakfast yesterday. Who is the greatest treasure. Of our life. Men.

[17:15] Jesus Christ. He's the treasure. Isn't he? It's not just what Jesus. Brings to your life. It's Jesus. When you get Christ.

[17:26] You get the treasure. He's the treasure. So we seek him. We delight in him. We brag on him. We live.

[17:36] For him. Beloved. I urge you. As aliens and strangers. To abstain from fleshly. I haven't even got to what I'm going to preach on yet. That you.

[17:48] Abstain from these lusts. Keep note. Notice verse 12. Keep your behavior. Then. Excellent. Among the unbelievers. The Gentiles. So that in the thing.

[17:58] In which they slander you. Which we said before. He's taking for granted. The fact that. Or he knows. By report. That they are. In the process. Of being slandered.

[18:10] Maligned. Misrepresented. Mistreated. When they do this to you. As evildoers. They. May. Because of your good deeds.

[18:21] As they observe them. See. This is an external reality. That these people are living out. These Christians. They may glorify God.

[18:32] In the day. Of visitation. Friends. This is why I've titled this little series. The way I have. We live. To display. God's grace. As God's children.

[18:44] Paul was concerned with that. Peter was concerned with that. The apostles were concerned with that. Because it was the concern of Jesus. So God has loved you. Into his new.

[18:56] And holy nation. He didn't browbeat you. He didn't beg you. He didn't cajole you. He didn't try to guilt you. And put you on a guilt trip. God drew you in love.

[19:09] Into his arms. To make you part of his new. And holy nation. So that. So that. How does Peter say it? You may proclaim. The excellencies. Of him.

[19:19] Who has called you. Out of darkness. And into his marvelous light. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. That's our calling from God. That's what our salvation.

[19:32] Moves us to. So that. We don't just get saved. And sit and soak. In our salvation. Our salvation. Moves us. Compels us. Energizes us forward.

[19:45] We can't help it. It's our new DNA. As Christians. To be excited. About Jesus Christ.

[19:56] To live for him. We can't help speak about him. And people say. Well you know. I just get tired of hearing you. Talk about Jesus. Well brother. Do you hang around me?

[20:06] You're just going to get more tired. Because that's not going to stop. He is my life. I'm not even going to go there. I started to say. I realize there are people. People would be obnoxious about that.

[20:17] I'm not even going to go there. Most of us don't have to worry. About being obnoxious. About talking about Jesus. We need to do it more. I'd encourage you. To be more obnoxious. Because we don't do it enough.

[20:29] Most of us don't. So God has loved you. Into his kingdom. And that's our calling. Now please hear this carefully. Friends. Your most effective weapon. Your most effective.

[20:41] Spiritual weapon. Against the evil. Which characterizes. This world's pursuits. And values. Is this. Your personal application.

[20:51] Of God's truth. In love. Your personal application. Of God's truth. In love. In love.

[21:03] So you never compromise the truth. You live the truth. You look for opportunities. For the truth to prevail. And you do all of that. With humility. In love.

[21:14] Love. That's our weapon. It's not. The weapons of our warfare. Are not. Carnal. They're not human. They're not made of this earth.

[21:24] They're spiritual. And we set ourselves. To war against the ideologies. That raise themselves up against. Not us. But God. And the truth of the Lord.

[21:36] Now friends. Living the truth in love. Is how you and I. As believers. Battle against. Our former life. To quote.

[21:48] Keep our behavior. Excellent. Among the Gentiles. You see that. This is our battle. Against our former life. Against greed. And pride.

[21:59] And lust. And all of the different things. That would get in the way. Of us submitting. In order to present ourselves.

[22:09] Before a watching world. In an excellent way. In a God Christ pleasing. God honoring way. This is. I'm just trying to help you. Stay in the flow. Of Peter's concern here.

[22:22] These are the people. Who are our mission field. And so I can. I can say this. In what terms of what. Peter is calling us to. In relation to civil authorities.

[22:33] Listen now. The issue. The issue. Is not. About. Rebellion. It's not about. Rebellion.

[22:43] It's about. Respect. And reverence. It is about. Respect. And reverence. It's about. The fear. Of the Lord. As our standard.

[22:53] For life. We don't fear men. We fear the Lord. We have a high. And holy. Reverence. For God. And the truth.

[23:03] Of the Lord. And we seek. To live that out. As the standard. Of our life. In the love of Christ. That's. What it's about. It's more about.

[23:14] What we. What we support. And what we're. Called to. In the way. That Peter's. Expressing it to us. Now. I shared this. With you. Last time.

[23:24] And I want to. Put it up here. Again for you. So that you can. Have it in your heart. This is. My pastoral concern. As we work. Through this section. Together. It's that. We would nurture.

[23:35] A godly desire. And a persevering. Commitment. To take full. Advantage. Of the many. God ordained. Opportunities. For showing. The love. And character.

[23:46] Of Jesus Christ. Through our submission. And humility. As civil authority. I know. That's a mouthful. But that's why. I put it up here. For you. To kind of have a visual. Of what I'm hoping.

[23:58] This is one of the. Main concerns. That I have. As we work our way. Through this little section. Particularly. As I've told you. In the recent past. Particularly. Given the reality.

[24:08] Of what we just. Come through. And are still trying. To figure out. And navigate. In the way. Of this. Quote unquote. COVID crisis. Now the main.

[24:19] Emphasis. This may help. A little bit. The main. Emphasis. Of Peter's. Entire letter. Overall. Taken up. Taken a helicopter. View. Looking down. On the book.

[24:30] Can be divided. Into three sections. The first section. That we've. Already dealt with. Concerns. Peter. Dealing with our salvation. Rooting us. In our salvation. Helping us.

[24:40] Better understand. And rejoice. In. How God has saved us. And then. He moves. To the next section. Which we're in now. On submission. Now notice. That the theme. Of submission. Runs all the way.

[24:51] Into chapter three. Verse twelve. And then. It'll. You'll see more of it. As. But that's the whole of it. And then suffering. Suffering. Now.

[25:01] The order. For this. Is important. Just like. In Paul's letters. The order. Is important. Why? Because Peter. Uses. The truths. Of his section. On salvation.

[25:12] To lay. The spiritual. Foundation. For the truths. That we're to live out. In our submission. And suffering. That is critical. Now.

[25:23] We are looking. At six characteristics. Six characteristics. Of our godly submission. To governmental authority. From first. Peter. Two. Thirteen.

[25:33] Through seventeen. This is not the only place. In scripture. Where this is discussed. We went to Romans. Thirteen. Last time. I think it was. I took you. To the gospels.

[25:43] Before that. And did some more. Laying of the foundation. As we looked at Jesus. In his life. In rebelling. Against authority.

[25:54] In his life. How did he do that? What did that look like? Why did he do it? We took some time. To do that. And so. We're talking carefully. About what it means. To submit.

[26:05] As Christians. To the authorities. That we. Are under. On this planet. Last week. We covered. The what. Of submission.

[26:15] To authority. From verse. Thirteen. Now. Some of you. Who were here. You might remember that. It dealt with the. Issue. Of. Submit yourselves.

[26:26] We just used. Two words. Didn't we? Look back up. Into verse thirteen. Coming off. Of what I've just told you. He says. Submit yourselves. I'm reading from the New American Standard Translation.

[26:37] And that's all we dealt with last time. The what. What. Is Peter's. Primary. Directive. Peter. Commands his readers.

[26:48] With. Submit yourselves. So. Submission. Is how Peter. Wants his readers. To faithfully. Fulfill. His main objective.

[27:00] So. He has a directive. Do this. And he has an objective. Behind that directive. And it's the objective. That we're going to get to.

[27:11] But the. The. Directed. Directive. That he's using. Serves. His main purpose. Behind. Why he's telling us. To do this. I don't want us. To miss that.

[27:23] Now remember. I told you. I know you. I know me. Because I'm one of you. And I know that it's. Our nature. To rebel. Our knee jerk.

[27:34] Is to have somebody. Tell us what to do. And us to. Immediately start thinking. In terms of. We'll see about that. That's me. That's all over me. Ask my mama. Right.

[27:48] So. We're trying to harness. Peter's. Primary directive. In light of his main. Objective. How do we help. Fulfill that. In first. Peter 2. 13.

[27:59] Submit. Submit. Submit. Submit. This was all last week. Submit. Is the word. Hupitaso. Hupitaso. Hupitaso.

[28:10] Because it's in the imperative mood. Is a clear command. In this context. This is a non-negotiable command. That Peter. As an apostle of Christ. Is putting forward to us.

[28:21] It has the idea. Of putting yourself. Under authority. Lining. Yourself. Up. Under authority. We went into all that last time. I did more with that. Okay.

[28:31] Peter is establishing. That is a Christian. You must voluntarily. Assume. Personal. Responsibility. For. Arranging. Your life.

[28:42] To comply. With civil authority. It's your responsibility. In the Lord. To arrange. Yourself. Under. Civil authority. All right.

[28:53] You have a mandate. From heaven. To do that. There it is. Submit yourselves. For the Lord's sake. We'll get to that one. In just a second. But that's what we're being called to. Now.

[29:04] Interestingly. For me. Given. The rebel. That I am. Given. The context. Of life. Given. The context. Of life.

[29:15] For both. Peter. And his. Readers. Peter. Provides. No exemption. From the following. Commands. None.

[29:29] That is a critical. Aspect. Of this context. Text. And letter. And boy. I told you last time. Did that challenge me. You remember.

[29:41] Just. Just to refresh your memory. I'm the guy. Who at one point. In this whole thing. A while back. Was ready to rally. All of you. And march on somebody. And say. That's it.

[29:51] But you know. Behind all of that. For me personally. Was. I'm tired of this. I don't know. That I was given. As much consideration. To it personally. On a personal level.

[30:02] At times. That it. That it was. Is this offending. The Lord. Is this going to cause us. I did. Greg and I both did. We spent a lot of time. In prayer. We spent a lot of time.

[30:12] In discussion. Trying to lead the church. Well. But I'm just saying. What I told you about. When I repented. Before you. Last week. Publicly. In my. In my individual. Private life.

[30:23] I struggle. With my. Sense of rebel. In me. I did. And I complained. And there. And I have a witness. I have a witness.

[30:34] She's saying nothing. She's sworn to silence. And so. You know. I'm not. I'm certainly not proud of that. This certainly convicted me. Greg and I.

[30:45] Would not step back. One. One inch. From how we led the church. We don't have any regrets. The Lord was very wise. Gracious. And kind. And helping us to understand. His wisdom.

[30:56] It's. I'm not saying any of that. It was more this. The complaining spirit. That I had in my private life. I stopped. I could not watch the news. I just couldn't do it. I'd get so mad. That.

[31:07] See. Those are the kinds of. So Peter. Peter is calling us. To something here. That understand friends. Is not natural. This is not. This is in the Holy Spirit. We're being called.

[31:18] To live in a way. That is of the spirit. Of almighty God. That is consistent. With our nature. As people. Who have been made. In Christ's image. That's what we're being called to.

[31:30] And called to express. And I hope that I'm. Helping you see this. In terms of the context. So I told you. That given the context. Of life. For Peter.

[31:41] And his readers. Which. I told you. I'd give you a history lesson. I'm going to include that. But I'm going to hold off. I cut it out of this one. I'm going to put it in the next one. So I'll bring you up to speed.

[31:52] On. Much of what was happening. With Peter. Much of what was happening. In the Roman world. That led up to this moment. It's very interesting. How history repeats itself.

[32:03] How these people were responding. What it was costing them. We have this extent. In many writings. Across the board. Some of them secular writers. And I want to share.

[32:13] Some of that history with you. To help you see it. In light of that context of life. That Peter and these people. Were living in. It is especially astounding. To me. That he has not. One single breath.

[32:25] Of exemption. From following authority. In his letter. It just astounds me. It really does. And so when I realized that. I was like. Whoa Lord. We need to step back here.

[32:36] And really take careful. Study. Prayerful study. See whenever you study the scriptures. You need to ask yourself. Why is this instruction in the Bible?

[32:48] It's in here. Why is it where it is? Why was it important to the original readers? Why did they need to hear this? What was going on? What does this mean in the greater context.

[33:01] Of following Christ? And here. Peter tells these people. To obey civil authorities. Even in the light of the horrendous. Pressures there under. And he doesn't make one single breath.

[33:12] Of exemption in the entire thing. I just think that's noteworthy. It's important. So we need to. Uphold. The force.

[33:23] Of Peter's command. Submit yourselves. We don't want to diminish. Peter's emphasis. And folks listen. We don't want to risk. Missing the weight.

[33:34] That Peter places. On his main idea. Submit yourselves. The Bible. Now listen. I need to put this in here.

[33:45] For you fellow rebels. The Bible does not teach. And I am not advocating. And Greg and I have not led this church. This way. To do this. The Bible does not teach.

[33:57] Blind obedience. To civil authority. It teaches biblical obedience. And there's a difference. We are not called. To blindly roll over. And act like cows. And get in line.

[34:07] And drink the Kool-Aid. That's not what we're called to do. Now we know that. And those of you. Who are members of our church. Know how we have. Walked through this thing. Over the last couple of years.

[34:18] And taken some heat for it. No small amount of heat for it. Thank the Lord. We didn't end up like James Coates. And Greg and I. Didn't have to go to jail.

[34:28] For it. But I guess we were. Prepared for that to happen. If it had to. But thank the Lord. He spared us from that. Well we didn't. Say the things we said.

[34:39] And did the. Do the things we did. Through this. Crisis. I don't know what. That's what they call it. We didn't do all of that. Because we just wanted. To show out. And be rebels.

[34:49] And shake our fist. At the government. And all that kind of thing. We did it humbly. And with much prayer. And consideration. And it was tough. But we recognized. That in many instances.

[35:00] We were being dictated to. In a way. That we felt like. Violated the authority. Of the Lord. In our lives. And as a church. And that's where we drew the line. And that's where you draw it.

[35:11] So in a word. Here's what we know. Any. Any authority. In our lives. That asks us to sin. Or demands. That we violate. Our faithfulness to Christ. We have to respectfully.

[35:23] And humbly say. No sir. I won't do that. Isn't that the bottom line? Now we're going to nuance that. We won't tell you. All of the subject matter.

[35:33] For Thursday nights. But let me just say. Hint. Hint. That if you show up. On these Thursday nights. You might find us. Talking more. About the principles. Of. How it is.

[35:43] That you say no. To authority. Maybe. Tuesday nights. Sorry. I'm so used to Thursday night. Tuesday nights. Don't show up on Thursday. I'll be doing something else. Yeah.

[35:56] So we want to address this. All right. There. There. There. There are biblical principles. In place. For saying no. To the state. Or saying no. To the authority. We know. We understand that. But friends.

[36:07] Peter's letter. Is not. The place. Where the bible. Outlines. Any. Reasons. Whatsoever. Or principles. For civil disobedience. This is not.

[36:17] Where you turn. To make that case. This is where you turn. Where it's clear. Obey. And you've got to. Hold on to that. And say. That's there. For a reason.

[36:28] And the exemptions. Are not there. For a reason. And let that. Sober you. That's where we are. In the bible. So that's what we're. Camping out in. We're not going to. Take time.

[36:39] To turn to other places. In scripture. And do all the outlining. Of how to. Do civil disobedience. Biblically. Come. Tuesday nights. And. We might talk about that.

[36:51] Some more. All right. Now that look. That is a significant. Reality. About this letter. And I think it's worth. Our time.

[37:01] It's worth our effort. It's worth our attention. To carefully consider it. So that we don't miss. What scripture. Is emphasizing. In this passage. About civil obedience.

[37:12] Civil obedience. Now the question. Came from last time. As I was marching. Through some of this. It was like. All right. How do we then. Reconcile. Our obedience.

[37:22] To God. With Peter's instruction. About our obedience. To human authority. Because Peter. Does make it sound like. We just roll over. No matter what. We reconcile.

[37:34] Here's what I told you. We reconcile. God's authority. And human. Authority. When we submit. To human authorities. Because of our relationship.

[37:44] To God. Now you see. Who's in the driver's seat there. We submit. Or we humbly. Refuse. Based on.

[37:56] Our relationship. With God. Not based on. My personal opinion. Not based on. How much. I'm being inconvenienced. Or whatever. It has everything.

[38:07] To do with. Our relationship. Our walk. With our sovereign. Authority. In our new nature. As Christians. It's all measured.

[38:18] By that. By him. Don't ask me. To do anything. That would serve. To cause me. To displease him. Disrespect.

[38:29] Him. Disregard. Him. You do that. And we're. We're at odds. But inconvenience. Me. Okay. I don't like it. But. You know.

[38:40] Do things. That I don't like. Oh. Okay. You see the difference. You say. Well. Can we talk about that more? Yeah. I think I mentioned. Tuesday nights.

[38:51] A couple of times. We want to give you. An opportunity. To come and ask. The hard questions. If we can't. Get you the answer. In that moment. We'll. Hunt it down. And.

[39:02] Find it. And talk about it. Okay. Because we want you. To be able. To be discerning. Wise people. About this. Let me say it this way. Without sounding alarmist. This is scripture.

[39:13] Things will go. From bad. To. Do you believe that? So it's not pessimistic. It's biblical. So let's prepare. Let's ready our hearts.

[39:26] And our minds. For it going. From bad to worse. How do we reconcile it? We make it about God. Here's another way.

[39:38] We might say it. As we submit. To human authority. Appointed by God. Paul tells us. It's all appointed by God. We do. The will. Of God.

[39:48] We need to understand that. And we please him. In our testimony. Of faith. Our instinct. Then. And intention. Should be. To obey.

[39:59] Human authority. As an extension. Of God's authority. In and over. The affairs. Of mankind. So what we're saying. To you. Is this. Be careful. About saying no.

[40:09] You may just. Be finding yourself. Saying no. To God. Be careful. That's all. We're saying. I think that's what. Peter's saying. Obey.

[40:21] Let it be. The instinct. And intention. Of your heart. To obey. Be discerning. Be careful. If you have to say no. You need to make. Double. Triple. Sure. That that is a.

[40:32] Prayerfully. Considered. No. Not a knee jerk. Not something. Arbitrary. Because you're. Inconvenienced. Or dissatisfied. Or because I didn't vote.

[40:43] For that guy. Or whatever. Last week's message. Left you thinking. On this. I just left you here. Submit yourselves.

[40:54] No caveats. No cautions. No qualifications. Now. Now we can move ahead. In the passage. And deal with how Peter. Develops. His train of thought.

[41:04] And we'll just do a little bit. We'll just do a little bit. Because we're going to move. To take the table together. In just a moment. But it's the why. Of submission. To authority. The why.

[41:15] Of submission. To authority. We find that also. In verse 13. He says. Submit yourselves. Point one. For the Lord's sake. That's why.

[41:26] For the Lord's sake. Now there's more. Reasoning to come. As to. Why we're doing. What we're doing. But this is where Peter. Starts. Ultimately.

[41:38] What is Peter's reasoning. For our humble obedience. To governing authorities. It is for the Lord's sake. Or. On account. Of the Lord. Now folks.

[41:48] This is not a hard concept. To get a hold of. What do we mean. When we do something. For someone. And we say. It's for your sake. Maybe we'll even say that.

[41:59] Well I'm doing this. For your sake. Or you might think. Well I need to do this. For their sake. What do we mean. When we say that. What do we have in mind. For their own good.

[42:10] We have their highest. Best interest at heart. Not mine. Right. I'm thinking of you. I'm doing. Now I know. Some of you are kind of smirking at me. You can say. Yeah well this is for your sake.

[42:22] And you can have all this attitude. Dripping off of you. That's not what we mean. We're talking about something. That you would do. For the other person's sake. In terms of. You have their best. Best interest at heart.

[42:33] You're willing to sacrifice. You're willing to pay a price. You're willing to give up something. Or take on something. Or suffer some cost. To yourself. For their sake.

[42:43] So in other words. You're honoring them. You're honoring them. That's what this is. For the Lord's sake. Means. For the highest interest of Jesus.

[42:55] So that I can make sure. I'm honoring and pleasing Christ. It's for his sake. So that helps Jeff a lot. As I weed through. How much of what I'm feeling right now.

[43:07] In the way of my rebellious spirit. Is more about me. Let me see if I can weed through that. And I might go to my brother. And I did. How much of this. Is me.

[43:18] This is what I'm thinking. This is what I'm wrestling with. And as I hear myself talking. To my sounding board. I'm going. Well. That's. That's me. Isn't it. Yeah. Yep.

[43:29] Sounds like it. You see. But for the Lord's sake. Is a whole nother matter. Why are we submitting. Why are we giving ourselves. To obeying.

[43:40] And submitting. To these authorities. The question on the table. Is this. Does submitting. Help me. Honor the Lord. Or dishonor.

[43:51] Do you see how that starts. To bring clarity. Am I going to be. Dishonoring the Lord. Not me. Not whatever. Not my. Ideas. Am I going to honor.

[44:03] The Lord in this. And I'm. Is this an opportunity. For me to bring. More honor to Christ. Especially as people. See me. Kind of suffer through this. As they. As they realize. That. That this is costing me.

[44:14] Something to obey. There's a price. Being paid here. And Peter's going to. Later say. The example. That you have. For measuring that. Is Jesus himself. What price.

[44:26] Did he pay. To obey. The authorities. What did it cost him. That he's going. That's where he's going. Right after he talks about. Slaves. Obeying their masters.

[44:38] Even harsh ones. That's tough. Pray for me. It's hard for me. To preach this. Nathan. That's what he's telling us.

[44:50] What do we mean. When we say that. I have your best interest. At heart. All right. Folks. Look here. Here then. For the Lord's sake. Here is the theological. Foundation.

[45:01] For Peter's command. To submit. It is about. Honoring. The Lord. All right. Now let me ask. What is. What do I mean. When I say.

[45:11] Theological foundation. Some of us. Will kind of grab that. And some of us. Will kind of scratch our head. And say. Can you help me with that. A little bit. All right. What do I mean. When I say. That for the Lord's sake. Helps us with the theological.

[45:23] Foundation. For Peter's command. To submit. All right. Look. Theos. Is the word. For God. And logos. Out of theological. Is the word.

[45:34] For speak. Say. Or word. So theological. Means. That we can. In terms of. What we can say. Or about God.

[45:45] What we can know. About God. What we can speak. About God. It came to reflect the idea. Of the study of God.

[45:56] Much like psychology. Right. Psyche. Soul. Is the study. Of the soul. Or anthropology. Anthropos.

[46:07] Man. The study of. Man. So theology. The study of. God. So the theological. Foundation. The theological.

[46:18] Foundation. For our civil. Obedience. Concerns. How our submission. Is based on. Our relationship. With God. We cannot.

[46:28] Diminish. Or deny. That our submission. To human authority. Is tied. To our submission. To heavenly. Authority. And that. Is by. God's design.

[46:39] So who. Are we really. Honoring. When we seek. To honor. Human authority. God. And we can do that. No matter. How much. It inconveniences. Or how much. It costs us.

[46:50] As long. As we're. Convinced. In our heart. Of hearts. That we are. Following truth. And by submitting. To these human. Authorities. We are submitting. To the Lord. And bringing. Great honor. To him. So it's not a sacrifice.

[47:05] It's a matter. Of obedience. God. And it's him. That we're. Ultimately. Obeying. Friends. That's why. The theological. Foundation.

[47:16] Is just that. It's the foundation. Of how we come. To understand. Obedience. To civil authority. It really. Is about. God. It's about.

[47:27] Christ. It's about. Putting ourselves. Arranging. Ourselves. Under that. In a way. That we can. Display. The goodness. And glory. And grace.

[47:37] Of God. So that the only. Explanation. For the way. That we're. Able to be. Under that. Authority. In the way. That we are. Is the difference. That Jesus. Is making.

[47:48] In us. And the world. Looks on. And says. Wow. That's different. And what we hope. Will happen. Is that. That will then. Lead them.

[47:58] To Christ. At least. Make them curious. But we've. Got to be. Willing. To live there. We've. Got to be. Willing. To be there.

[48:10] In all of this. So our. Submission. Must. Always. Emulate. And honor. The submission. Of Jesus. That's for.

[48:21] Jesus sake. That's how he. Related. To human. Authority. Himself. And Peter. We'll get there. We're not going to do it today. Peter brings this out.

[48:33] In chapter 2. Look at verse 21. With me. If you would please. Peter says. For you. Have been called. That is saved. Brought into.

[48:44] Right relationship. With God. For this purpose. Since Christ. Also. Suffered. For you. Leaving you. An example.

[48:55] For you. To follow. In his steps. Now notice. Notice how this works out. In Jesus life. Who committed. No sin. So in other words. We have someone here. Who didn't deserve.

[49:05] An ounce. Of what he received. He was completely innocent. Nor was any deceit. Found in his mouth. And while being reviled.

[49:17] Jesus. Did not revile. In return. While suffering. He uttered. No threats. But he kept. Entrusting himself. To him.

[49:28] Who judges. Righteously. And he himself. Bore our sins. In his body. On the cross. So that we might. Die to sin. And live to righteousness. For by his wounds.

[49:38] You were healed. Folks. Verse 24. Is the result. Of his obedience. His willingness. To suffer. And pay the price. As an innocent man. And Peter says.

[49:49] This is your example. Here he is. In all of his goodness. In glory. So Peter's primary objective.

[50:01] Or directive. Is submit yourselves. But this is not. His primary objective. For us. What is it? His primary objective.

[50:12] Is that we emulate. And honor Jesus. By our humble submission. To civil authority. Does that shock you? Given everything I've been saying.

[50:22] It shouldn't. That's. That's what he's after. He wants us. To emulate. And honor Jesus Christ. In the way. That we submit. Now.

[50:36] I'll end with this. This is commentator. David Helm. And I think he beautifully. Sums up. Peter's emphasis here. That we've been driving at now. For a number of sermons.

[50:47] Here it is. Submission. Defines. The Christians. Ways. Because being. Like the Savior. Describes. The Christians. Goal. Take note.

[50:59] The gravitational. Center. Of this part. Of the letter. Is the meekness. And submissiveness. Of the Lord. Jesus Christ. To 21 through 25.

[51:11] That we just read. The one. We are to imitate. Stands. In the middle. Of it all. In essence. Peter. Peter wants us. To follow. In the footsteps.

[51:21] Of the Prince of Peace. It is for this reason. That Christian men. And women. Gladly. And voluntarily. Put on. The garment. Of submission.

[51:32] We are not. Operating. Out of some. Blind adherence. To a rigid principle. But rather. Out of love. For the one. With whom. We have a relationship. At the end of the day.

[51:43] Then. Christians. Willingly. Submit themselves. To people. In authority. Because. We desire. Our lives. To be pleasing. To someone. Not something.

[51:55] Amen. Oh. That's what we want. To hold on to. Dear friends. Serving. The heart. Of the Lord. And trusting.

[52:06] In the goodness. Of almighty God. And capturing. Peter's heart. In the midst. Now my intention. As you pray. For your pastors. This next week. Because I know you do.

[52:16] You're so faithful. About that. My intention. Next week. Is to bring you. More of these points. And these six characteristics. And I want to bring you.

[52:26] More of the history. That stands behind. Why this makes this. So remarkable. What these. What Peter. And these people. Were enduring. It was unbelievable. For Peter.

[52:36] To say this. Because boy. He had every reason. To say. Run and hide. Or. Marshal up. Build barricades. In the middle of the streets.

[52:47] Get ready. Stock up on your ammo. But he didn't. He didn't. And that arrests me. It stops me. In my tracks. It speaks against.

[52:59] My nature. And it speaks. To my new nature. The meekness. And humility. And peaceableness. Of Jesus. Jesus. Who was willing.

[53:10] To suffer. Even to the point. Of letting them. Put him on a cross. And here. Is your example. Boy. That is. That's some sobering stuff. Friends. I want to call you.

[53:21] Into a time now. Can we reflect. On all of this. Can we just. Take a few moments. As Greg. Prepares our men. To serve the elements. Of the Lord's table.

[53:32] Men. If you would. Come forward. Lord. This is not. A tag on. This is part. Of our ongoing. And continuing. Attitude of worship. Based on. The example.

[53:43] That Jesus. Has given us. Based on. Who Jesus. Is. And what he's. Done for us. We are called. On. To remember. To remember him.

[53:54] In taking. The Lord's table. We remember him. As we. Take the bread. And remember that. His body. Was broken. For us. He gave himself. As his. Blood was spilled.

[54:06] To purchase us. This is a way. That we. Affirm. To each other. That we are. Following. The example. Of Jesus. And we have been. Made his people. We are brothers.

[54:16] And sisters. In Christ. By his blood. I'm a blood. Relative. With you. In all of. This is what we. Memorialize.

[54:26] As we remember. Christ. In this time. So men. If you would. If you would. Pass out the elements. I would just ask you. To be in an attitude. And spirit of prayer. If you need to. Confess any sin.

[54:36] Before the Lord. Ask God. To cleanse your heart. And prepare you. To take the table. In a worthy manner. Amen. Amen.

[55:42] Amen.