Join us for our weekly exposition of Scripture, unpacking and applying God's Word. Worship with us in person each Sunday morning at 10:00.
[0:00] Hope for Hopeful Living, Part 2, A Living Hope for Hopeful Living, from 1 Peter 1, but we're going to begin in Luke 2.
[0:15] Let me get there with you. And of course, this will be familiar to you at this time of year. Let me read from verse 8, just to familiarize us with the text.
[0:37] In the same region, there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terribly frightened.
[0:53] But the angel said to them, Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy, which will be for all the people.
[1:04] For today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign for you. You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.
[1:17] And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace among men with whom he is well pleased.
[1:34] Now, in the account that we have here of Jesus' birth, particularly in Luke 2, verse 10, the angel of the Lord said to the shepherds, I bring you good news of great joy.
[1:52] And I wonder if we've ever paused long enough to think carefully about what that means. Good news, and I'm going to put this up on the screen because I want to break it down for you since we're at that time of year when this text is familiar to us.
[2:06] Good news is from the word euangelizo. Euangelizo, which is literally to preach the good news. So it's where we get our word evangelism.
[2:20] Euangelizo, the noun form euangelion is where we get our word gospel. This is where this comes from. And we all know gospel as we use it means good news.
[2:32] The word great in great joy in my translation is the word megas, megas, where we get our word mega.
[2:43] It means large or great or grand. So the angel was announcing God's gospel news of, we could say, mega happiness.
[2:54] So it'd be perfectly fine for you to wish everybody a mega Christmas. That'd be great. We could do that. All right. So this is God's great news of salvation from sins.
[3:08] So it's very important as Christians that we understand the text's meaning here. It's good news for a specific reason.
[3:19] It isn't good news based on my agenda. It's good news based on God's agenda. And that is that agenda is his son freeing his people from sin.
[3:35] And that's wonderful news. But it gets even more specific. This salvation from sins is just what he goes on to say. Then if you'll look with me in Luke chapter two, verse 11.
[3:48] For today in the city of David, there has been born for you a savior who is Christ the Lord.
[3:59] The news is so good and full of great joy because as the text reads today in the city of David, there has been born for you a savior.
[4:10] And then he goes on to spell that out for us. Who is Christ the Lord? That's the identification of this savior that they're given.
[4:22] Here's who he is. I just told you there's a savior that's been born. You want to know who he is, right? Here's who he is. He is Christ the Lord.
[4:33] Now that wouldn't have been wasted on a good Jew. They'd have known exactly what was being said. Messiah has come. Messiah has come.
[4:44] And that's the amazing part of all of this. It emphasizes in all of this, in the original, the birth, the birth of this savior.
[4:57] He wants them to understand that Messiah has come in a birthed baby. Wow. The emphasis is put forward in the original in this particular way.
[5:13] In the original, it reads more like because born to you this day. Born is put forward in the original to emphasize it. It emphasizes the special birth, fulfilling what these people have long been promised.
[5:32] God's Messiah is finally with them. And that's why we emphasize Emmanuel throughout this season.
[5:43] God is now with us. And so in this baby, God has come in human form. Now this news brings great hope.
[5:57] It's the same theme that Peter is putting forward in the first probably five to ten verses of his letter.
[6:08] This wonderful hope of salvation that the people he's writing to live in. That's what's going on here. Here is the one they have been told to hope in for their salvation.
[6:23] Now I want to do something with you. Hold your finger there still and go over to Luke 24. Let's fast forward to Luke chapter 24 beginning in verse 1.
[6:38] Now here is a very enigmatic and very interesting account. This is after the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
[6:49] So he's already suffered and died and been raised again. Luke 24 beginning in verse 1. But on the first day of the week at early dawn, they came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared.
[7:06] And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb. That is where Jesus was buried. But when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were perplexed about this, behold, two men suddenly stood near them in dazzling clothing.
[7:24] And as the women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, Why do you seek the living one among the dead?
[7:37] He is not here, but he has risen. Remember how he spoke to you while he was still in Galilee, saying that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified?
[7:52] And the third day rise again? And they remembered his words and returned from the tomb and reported all these things to the eleven.
[8:02] That is the eleven apostles and to all the rest, the company of people that were following among the apostles. Verse 10. Now they were Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James.
[8:15] Also the other women with them were telling these things to the apostles. But these words appeared to them as nonsense, and they would not believe these women.
[8:28] But look what happened in verse 12. Peter got up and ran to the tomb. Stooping and looking in, he saw the linen wrappings only, and he went away to his home marveling at what had happened.
[8:43] And marveling here has the idea of a mixture of doubt and astonishment. So Peter is being Peter, isn't he? Doubt and astonishment.
[8:55] All right. Now look, this is very interesting to me. Verse 13. Verse 13. And behold, two of them were going that very day to a village. Now these are two of the people who might have been present when all of this was announced.
[9:08] These are two of the followers of the Lord Jesus. Right? Two of them were going that very day to a village named Emmaus, which was about seven miles from Jerusalem.
[9:20] They were talking with each other about all these things that had taken place. That is all the stuff that had been going on with the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself approached and began traveling with them.
[9:39] Now how about that? But their eyes were prevented from recognizing Jesus. And so he said to them, now they don't realize who he is to this point.
[9:51] He asked these men, what are these words that you are exchanging with one another as you're walking? Now did Jesus ask that question because he didn't know the answer?
[10:03] No. He's drawing them out, isn't he? He's probing. All right. So let's look at what happens. They stood still looking sad.
[10:14] So their first response to Jesus asking this question as they're walking along is they stop. And as they stop, they both just kind of turn and look at Jesus crestfallen.
[10:27] Just at the question, having brought up into their minds even more now the reality of what has gone on. So they have a mixture here of sadness and incredulity.
[10:39] They just can't believe this guy's asking them this. Verse 18. One of them named Cleopas answered and said to him, are you the only one visiting Jerusalem unaware of the things which have happened here in these days?
[10:53] And he said to them, that is Jesus, what things? Isn't that interesting? And they said to him, the things about Jesus, the Nazarene, who was a prophet, mighty indeed, and word in the sight of God and all the people, and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to the sentence of death, and they crucified him.
[11:17] We were hoping. Now look at verse 21, folks. We were hoping. That it was he who was going to redeem Israel.
[11:30] Indeed, besides all this, it is the third day since these things happened. Now, why did they mention the third day? It's the third day since all these things happened.
[11:41] Why are they interested in the third day? Because he's supposed to be risen. Is he risen according to these men? Nope. Where's Jesus? What's going on in the life of the Lord?
[11:53] Well, again, we were hoping that it was he who would redeem Israel, and it's the third day. But also some women among us amazed us. When they were at the tomb early in the morning and did not find his body, they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels who had said that he was alive.
[12:13] Some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just exactly as the women also had said. But him they did not see.
[12:24] Now just hold it right there with me. These two believers then, they hoped in and they expected that Jesus was the one to free Israel from sin and the tyranny of evil.
[12:41] They did believe that. Now they don't know what to think. They're confused. They're doubting. They're perplexed in a very deep way.
[12:52] So Luke then tells us how Jesus responded to these men beginning in verse 25. And then Jesus said to them, Oh, foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken.
[13:11] Was it not necessary for the Christ? There that there's that name again, that title to suffer these things and to enter his glory.
[13:24] Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, Jesus explained to them the things concerning himself in all the scriptures.
[13:37] And these men were astonished. Later on, they would say when he was doing this was our hearts not burning within us. Oh, the truth just resonated with them.
[13:50] The freedom that they felt as Jesus explained it all. So folks, listen, people prior to the cross and resurrection were saved just as you and I are saved.
[14:05] They are saved and were saved by believing. That is by grace through faith, by trusting in God's Savior to forgive us for our sins, to make us right with God.
[14:21] They looked at Christ as people looking ahead to an event that would come. We believe and look with faith on an event that has come.
[14:34] And we look with expectation and hope that he will come and get us. That is just how they were taught to believe as well. They were saved in just the same way.
[14:46] No one is ever saved apart from believing in Christ. Even in the Old Testament. They were taught to believe in and to look for God's anointed one.
[14:58] His Messiah. He would save the people from their sins. And this is what Jesus has been explaining to them. The Jews had been anticipating this moment of salvation's arrival as promised by their prophets for thousands of years.
[15:14] That moment, that miraculous moment is now here in the birth of this person. This Savior.
[15:26] He is Savior because he is Christ the Lord. He is Christos. Christos is the anointed one.
[15:39] So it's the same as the Hebrew Messiah. Christos and Messiah mean the same thing. The anointed one. Now in the time of the Old Testament, people would have associated anointing as a divine appointment of someone to rule as king.
[15:59] We see this periodically throughout the New Testament. We saw it with Samuel as he went and identified David as the next king. And what did he do? He anointed him.
[16:09] And that was a sign and signal that God has made a divine appointment on this person. That's what's happening with this.
[16:20] The anointed one. The anointed one. Luke also adds he is Lord. Well, that would make sense if he is God's divine anointed one.
[16:31] Because Lord then is a title that stresses supremacy. Because it refers to the absolute power and authority of God.
[16:43] So this entire Savior Christ the Lord thing all comes together in a wonderful package. Stressing the power and authority and supremacy of God to do what he says he will do.
[17:01] He stands behind the promise. I have sent you a Savior. He will save. And I stand in it.
[17:12] With it. Behind it. I move through it. This is no regular kind of person. It's a miracle. God became a man in a baby.
[17:27] And grew like you and I grow. Had to go through all the things that we've gone through in terms of physical change. And growing and maturation. And he's fully God in all of those ways.
[17:43] Folks, Jesus is Lord because he is God. And all power and authority rest in, with, and through him. Now, stay there in Luke for a second.
[17:57] Go to 1 Peter 1.3. 1 Peter 1.3. Keep in mind what the angel has announced.
[18:08] What the angel is saying about this Savior. This Christ the Lord one. And now look what Peter says in verse 3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
[18:22] Where do you think he got that from? Who, according to his great mercy, has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Christ from the dead.
[18:34] Now, notice at the end of verse 2. What Peter says right before he introduces all of that. May grace and peace be yours in the fullest measure.
[18:46] And right before that, he is speaking about God's chosen people. Marked out for salvation. Now, what is all of this telling us?
[18:59] Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. The hour is very important because it references your place in eternity.
[19:18] The question at that point is this. Is he your Lord and Savior? Is he Christ, the anointed one, the promised one, to you?
[19:36] Has what God has done in the past in the birth of this baby in a manger become personal to you?
[19:47] Or do you just sing about it? Do you just put the tree up? Do you just go through the presents and the rituals? Or has this time become a time of personal celebration for you?
[20:04] Do you have a reason to celebrate? Because you can say, blessed be the God and Father of my Lord Jesus Christ.
[20:16] This message of salvation was for, listen now, a people. This message was for a people. I'm going to show you that.
[20:28] It was for a people to hope in and to take comfort in. Now, the question that I asked myself as I read this, who were these people? Who were these people?
[20:40] Who's being referenced here? So go back to Luke 2, verse 10. And let's see it again and see if maybe you look at it a little bit differently than maybe you have in the past.
[20:54] Who were these people? But I'm just trying to show you that what Peter said in his letter at the beginning about God choosing people and marking them out for salvation and then following through to bring them to Christ and keep them forgiven.
[21:14] This was all announced in the birth of the Savior. This was all announced before the birth of the Savior by prophets for thousands of years. Peter's just building on it.
[21:28] Luke 2, 10. But the angel said to them, do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy, which will be for.
[21:40] All the people. All the people. That is now here this carefully for all people extending beyond the Jews.
[21:53] For all kinds of people around the world of mankind. But here's something that we know. We know this.
[22:04] You know it experientially. I know it experientially. Because I have people in my life who do not know the Lord and have no interest in knowing the Lord.
[22:14] And so do you. You have those people in your life. Some of them are very, very dear to you. And it's heartbreaking for you to think about. It brings you to tears. And you pray for them.
[22:25] Just as I do. Here's what we know about this reality of this extending beyond the Jews. Extending to all kinds of people.
[22:37] Not everyone will become a Christian and believe in or trust in Jesus Christ. So this statement isn't meant to suggest or teach this statement of for all the people.
[22:54] That everyone will somehow be saved from their sins. As taught in the doctrine of universalism. This is not the doctrine of we're all basically on the same path of salvation.
[23:11] We're all going to get there in the end. Now that robs the exclusivity of the birth of this child. Completely bare.
[23:25] Now there's no more miracle in this child. He's just one more way. Among many ways. That people can know this wonderful salvation.
[23:37] Sent by God. Well that's not what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches that this is an exclusive way for an exclusive people. And not everyone will receive the blessing of this salvation.
[23:54] So this is not universalism. Notice in Luke 2. 13 and 14. And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host.
[24:10] Praising God and saying. Glory to God in the highest and on earth. Peace among men. With whom God is well pleased.
[24:26] Now that's a very very interesting statement. This message then. Is for people. With whom God. Has made his peace.
[24:38] And. Extended his good will. His. Pleasure. Or his. Favor. Now I'd like for you to think about somebody that you know.
[24:54] Is not walking with the Lord. Does not know Christ as Savior. Does not want to be a Christian. They're living their own thing and doing their own thing. Now could you say about that person.
[25:06] That you're thinking of right now. That God has made his peace with this person. That God has extended his good will to this person. That God is pleased with this person.
[25:18] And that God is showing his salvific favor to this person. No. And neither could I. Neither could I.
[25:29] Again. We know. That not all people experience. God's peace. Good will. Pleasure. And favor. Not.
[25:40] All. People. Experience. God's saving. Grace. But here's something else we know. All. Of God's blessings.
[25:50] In salvation. Can only be found. And experienced. In and through. God's. Son. God's. Savior.
[26:01] God's. Christ. God's. Lord. To mankind. How do we know that? Because the angels. Told us.
[26:12] The prophets. Told us. God. Told us. Jesus. Told us. The apostles. Told us.
[26:24] The testimony of scripture. Is that he. Jesus. Is Lord. Christ. Savior. Savior. And Jesus.
[26:35] Said. I'm the only way. If you don't know me. You don't know the father. And if you don't know the father. You will not know heaven.
[26:48] That's the message. Of a baby. Born in a manger. Because that baby has to grow up. And that baby has to die. But that baby has to die.
[27:00] In a specific way. For a specific people. To apply. A specific purpose. That God had. Before he ever made the world. Now I hear that.
[27:12] And I stand. Astounded. Humbled. Humbled. That that God. Would mark.
[27:22] This man out. For salvation. By allowing his son. To suffer to death. For him. And that's all I can think of.
[27:33] When I think of this reality. Is that God has done this for me. It's personal. It's personal. The angels then. Shouted forth.
[27:45] In praise to God. Telling the shepherds. Let's throw this up there for them. The next slide. Look. This is how I'm paraphrasing. Glory to God. In the highest. And on earth.
[27:55] Peace to all. Of the different tribes. And nations. Of people. From among whom. There are those. God has chosen. To extend his favor. In other words folks. The good news.
[28:06] Is that with the birth. Of this baby. God's saving grace. Is being offered. Outside the boundaries. Of Judaism. And graciously. Extended to Gentiles.
[28:16] From every tribe. And nation. Around the world. That. Was. Miraculous. Yes. That would have been. An astounding. Announcement. Of great.
[28:27] Great. Joy. It took a while. For the apostles. To get over that. Poor Peter. He had to have. A special vision.
[28:39] Sent by God. To convince him. That salvation. Was for the Gentiles. Because Peter. Is a good Jew. To associate with.
[28:49] To dine with. To fraternize with. Gentiles. Made him unclean. As a Jew. Well. This savior. Has come.
[29:00] To save. People. Of different colors. And cultures. From all. Over the world. And now.
[29:11] In his letter. Written. Some. Sixty. Years. After the angels. Announcement. Of Jesus birth. And with the angels. Same. Attitude.
[29:22] Of praise. To this. Glorious. God. Of salvation. Peter. Then says. To God's. Chosen people. From every tribe. And nation.
[29:33] All over the world. And from every era. Here is what. Peter. Then says to them. Listen to this. Blessed be. The God. And father. Of our.
[29:44] Lord Jesus Christ. You see how this baby. Has become a personal. A personal. Wonderful. Blessing. Now. Who according.
[29:54] To his great. Mercy. Has caused us. To be born again. To a living hope. Through the resurrection. Of Jesus Christ. From the dead. To obtain.
[30:05] An inheritance. Which is imperishable. And undefiled. And will not fade away. Reserved in heaven. For you. Who are protected. By the power of God.
[30:15] Through faith. For a salvation. Ready to be revealed. In the last time. I mean that'll preach. So I'm going to preach it. This is the message of the angels.
[30:28] If you will. It's just 60 years later. Continuing to be heralded. To the world. Through the men. Who walked with this.
[30:39] Baby grown into a man. Who is the savior. Of the world. So to these chosen people.
[30:51] Peter. Just like the angel. Offers this blessing. On them all. Listen to this. May God's grace. And peace.
[31:04] Be yours. In the fullest measure. Does that sound familiar? Does that sound very similar. Similar to what the angels. Offered in the way of a blessing. When the baby was born. Listen again.
[31:15] May God's grace. And peace. Grace is favor. May God's grace. And peace. Be yours. In the fullest measure.
[31:26] Is that great joy? Is that mega happiness? Yes. So Peter. Speaks. To that reality. Folks. That blessing. Is based on the angels.
[31:38] Blessed announcement. Of the birth of Jesus Christ. In Bethlehem. It's all building. On that. So Peter says this. Let's put this slide up there for him.
[31:50] Michelle. If we could. May God's. Good favor. And his friendship. Of peace. Be yours. In ever increasing.
[32:01] Always multiplying amounts. That's what he's saying. Now the reason that I've hammered this. Is this. Is for this reason. This is. Peter's.
[32:12] Main and primary emphasis. Throughout his letter. Everything else he says in this letter. Corresponds to. And helps. Flesh out. And support.
[32:23] And just. Bring forward. This wonderful truth. May God's. Peace. And. Grace and peace. Be yours. In the fullest measure.
[32:33] Now. Let me take some time. To write this out for you guys. And rehearse for you. The fullest measure. Of this grace. As it's ministered to you. In the most difficult of circumstances.
[32:46] In life. Let me show you. That that full measured grace. Peace and blessing. Nothing. Doesn't diminish. When you're hurting. And suffering. And doubting.
[32:57] And you can go back in. And read. In all the stories. Of the apostles. And the prophets. That that's the truth. In the case of when they suffered. For the truth. God's grace.
[33:09] Didn't diminish. It was grace upon grace. That's why Paul said. Well when I'm weak. More grace. That's how we live. That's what God's called us to.
[33:20] So I could say it this way. The Christmas story. Never ends. For Christians. It's not limited.
[33:31] To a seasonal message. Or a seasonal celebration. Which we then. Pack up. After December 25th. And then wait another year.
[33:41] To celebrate. No listen now. We live. The celebration. That is Jesus. Every day. Because. He lives.
[33:52] In us. Right. Christmas. And Easter. Are simply days. When we bring. The rest of the world. In. On what we've been.
[34:03] Singing. Praising. And glorifying. God. About. The other 364 days. Of the year. It's like. Come on y'all. Join us. We've been doing this.
[34:13] All along. And we're going to keep doing it. And guess what. When we're worm food. We'll be doing it in heaven. For eternity. Is that a living hope.
[34:26] That's a living hope. Now that's something. That you can put your feet in. And count on. And live your life for. And realize. You're not wasting anything. As you live to the glory.
[34:38] Of this great God. Christ. And King. That's what we're celebrating. We live all year. In what the shepherds. And Peter. Offered.
[34:48] As God's blessings. On mankind. Mind. Why? Because. God. Chose us. For these blessings. Before he ever made the world.
[35:01] He marked us out. For salvation. And then he fulfilled. His purpose. For our forgiveness. In the life. Death. And resurrection. Of his holy. And only son.
[35:11] Jesus Christ. Now bring. All of that together. And look with me. Again. At first Peter. Chapter 1.
[35:22] Bring all that together. And let's just hear. How Peter. Just lets it roll out. Hopefully. You'll never see this. The same again. Peter. An apostle.
[35:33] Of Jesus Christ. To those who reside. As aliens. Strangers. Pilgrims. Sojourners. Scattered throughout. Pontus. Galatia. Cappadocia. Asia.
[35:43] Bithynia. Now look. Every tribe. Every nation. All kinds of people. Everywhere around the world. Scattered all over the place. What's this baby born?
[35:55] This baby grown? This baby crucified? What's he done for you? You're one of those people. And so my Bible says. Scattered all over. Who are chosen.
[36:08] Elect of God. According to the foreknowledge of God the Father. By the sanctifying work of the Spirit. To obey Jesus Christ. And be sprinkled with his blood.
[36:19] May grace and peace be yours in the fullest measure. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who according to his great mercy.
[36:31] Megas mercy. Has caused us to be born again to a living hope. Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. To obtain an inheritance which is imperishable.
[36:42] And undefiled. And will not fade away. Reserved in heaven for you. Who are protected by the power of God. Through faith. For a salvation. Ready to be revealed.
[36:54] In the last time. Wow. He just piles it on. Peter's letter needs to be understood.
[37:05] I told you last time. As his exposition. His exposing of. Unpacking of. God's promises. To give them his grace and peace.
[37:17] In fullest measure. So that even in the lowest. Worst of their experiences. Here on this broken planet. Even as they struggle and suffer.
[37:29] With the uncertainties and doubts. The unfairness of the world. As God's elect sojourners. They will know. His grace. And peace. This is all to focus.
[37:42] And embolden their faith. And so Peter. Gives them. Hope. He just gives them hope. By reminding them. Not. Not. What might happen.
[37:54] Or could happen. Or wishful thinking. He reminds them. Who. Jesus. Is. Why he came. What he's done.
[38:04] What he continues to do. And where they draw their life from. Him. He's saying. No one can take that away from you.
[38:16] This is something that he has settled on you. And keeps secure for you. Nothing in the world is strong enough. To ever rob you of this. But I do understand.
[38:30] That we can get caught up in a lot of stuff. Huh. How does Peter give them hope? He puts. His eyes of faith. On who God is. And on what God has done.
[38:41] To bring his blessings of life. And hope to his people. All over the world. So Peter. Praises God. For giving his elect. Embattled. Dispersed. Sojourners.
[38:52] His gift. God's gift. Of a living hope. For hopeful living. Here's what we saw. Before. They're going to put this slide up here for you. Four truths.
[39:03] Verses three through five. Four truths. Of God's gift. Of hope. Last Sunday. We looked at two of them. In verse three. And so we're going to.
[39:14] Just do a quick little run through. And then we're going to look at the other two. The. Other slide that I want to put up for you. This is what we looked at last time. The source of your living hope. That was God the father.
[39:27] And the means of your living hope. The father's great mercy. How does this hope come. To my life. How do I have this hope.
[39:37] How do I live in this hope. How can it be real for me. You got to go to the source. You need to understand something of the means.
[39:50] The father's great mercy. So building on the wonder now. Building on the wonder of God's electing grace. And great mercy towards us. You and I are to declare.
[40:00] That's blessed be. You on Gellion. And I talked about the preaching. And we get our word eulogy. From. We need to declare. We need to declare.
[40:11] The worthiness of the God and father. Of our. Lord Jesus Christ. We have been brought in. And made participants. In and of. This. Blessedness.
[40:23] This. Praise worthiness. We are called on. To. To be these. Praise factories. If you will. Folks. That's why our hearts beat.
[40:35] That's why God's given us life. In every area of life. In every aspect of who we are. We are called on. To be praise. People.
[40:48] Testifiers. Of the goodness. And blessedness. And wonder of God. In our lives. So look. The way that I husband. Should be a testimony. Of praise. To God.
[41:00] The way that I parent. A testimony. Of praise. To God. The way that I work. My job. Whatever it might be. A testimony. Of praise.
[41:10] To God. In every area. Of my life. In your life. We are to offer. Praise. Blessedness. Honor.
[41:21] Now what do we call that? Worship. Worth. Ship. So do you see. It's not just something. That we do here. On Sunday mornings.
[41:32] Or on Thursday night. When we gather. For our discipleship time. This is something. That we live. We live. We all struggle.
[41:46] We all struggle. With being. Being. That. Praise factory. All the time. And I know that. That doesn't take away. What Peter is telling us.
[41:57] God's choosing you. For salvation. Before he ever. Made the world. Results. In. God's acting.
[42:09] In compassion. Mercy. To make your election. And calling. Sure. By regenerating you. These are wonderful doctrines.
[42:20] Sound. Deep. Awesome. Theology. How we know God. And know his ways. And know how to relate to him. We. We reflect on. The wonderful work.
[42:31] Of God. Regenerating. A dead person. Bringing that person. To spiritual life. When I had no ability. On my own. To do that. Peter says that.
[42:43] God. Caused. Do you see that? God. Caused. You to be born again. To a living hope. For hopeful living. God brought you.
[42:56] From spiritual death. To spiritual life. In a moment. In time. By causing. His life. To reanimate. Regenerate.
[43:10] Recreate. You. These are the words we use. These are the words. Scripture uses. What did Jesus. Tell Nicodemus. You must be.
[43:21] Born again. Born again. Recreated. Birthed again. And what did. Nicodemus ask him. Nicodemus now. Is one of the scholars. Of Israel. Right.
[43:32] He's one of the Pharisees. He snuck in. And wanted to talk. To Jesus at night. What did. What did Nicodemus say. How do I go back. Into my mother's womb. And be born again. Now that I'm a man. And Jesus went.
[43:43] And you're one of the leaders. Of Israel. Go figure. He said. That has to happen. By the spirit. This is a spiritual. Rebirth.
[43:54] This is a spiritual. Recreation. Reanimation. In the power. Of the spirit. I'm going to bring. Dead tissue. Deadness.
[44:05] To life. Now that's God. That's God. That's not Frankenstein. That's God. Doing this wonderful work. For us. Let's put this slide up there.
[44:16] For Michelle. If we could. Our hope. Then is not wishful thinking. It lives in what God has done for us. And in who Jesus is in us.
[44:27] You see that. We have a living hope. Because we have a living savior. Now we just need to make a big deal out of that. Especially now. Right.
[44:38] We say. Hey. That baby was born. But is he like every other human being. Oh that's great. He was born 2,000 years ago. But you know what? He's like every other human being.
[44:49] He died. He's not here anymore. Well that's not true. He's alive. He grew up. He became a man. He did an awesome thing.
[44:59] That only God can do. He died. Sinless. Ain't nobody else done that. He's only one. And. God raised him.
[45:11] From the dead. Never to die again. He's the only one ever do that. All the other people that were raised up. By the apostles. Or by Jesus himself. They died. They died.
[45:22] Not Jesus. God raised him from the dead. And he's never died again. And he's the example. Of what. Will happen to us. That's how it's going to be with us.
[45:34] We're going to die. We're going to get raised again. We're never going to die again. We're going to go be where he is. That's a good deal. I want.
[45:44] I want that deal. Jesus. Stands. As God's proof. And guarantee. That we too.
[45:54] Will one day. Be raised from the dead. To a new life. In heaven. And that is just what Peter stresses. In verses. Four. And five. To obtain.
[46:05] An inheritance. Which is imperishable. Undefiled. Will not fade away. Reserved. In heaven for you. Who's reserving it for you.
[46:16] Christ. That's who. So that's point number three. Michelle. We'll put up there. The reward. Of your living hope. The reward.
[46:28] Of your living hope. That we just read. In verse four. It's this inheritance. Notice. That it's an imperishable. Unperishable. Undefiled. Inheritance.
[46:39] Reserved. In heaven. Because God is your heavenly father. You stand to inherit. All. That belongs. To him. But hear this.
[46:51] It means that you now. Share. In what is his. How do I know that? How do you know that? That you now. Share. In what is his. Because that's what you've been promised.
[47:03] In Christ. You've just yet. To really. Lay hold. The evidence of it.
[47:14] Is in your life. As you live for Christ. As the power of the spirit. Works in you. You already know. This is going to be true for you. Because of Christ's resurrection.
[47:27] Yours is a. Listen now. Living hope. Through the resurrection. Of Jesus Christ. From the dead. His resurrection. Points the way.
[47:38] His resurrection. Lays the groundwork. Or the foundation. For what you can now know. Will be your reality. You will physically die. Just like he did.
[47:49] And then you will be also. Raised to life. Never to die again. Just like him. That's a hope. It's not wishful thinking.
[48:01] It's a fact. It is a reality. Kept in the heart. Of almighty God. For you. It's like.
[48:12] I fail. I fail. I just have to read the Bible. And let them say it. I can't get better than that. I can't give you an analogy. Better than that. It's the gift. That keeps on giving.
[48:25] Right. The resurrection. Just keeps on giving. For all eternity. Never runs out. Let's put this up there for them.
[48:35] Michelle. So they can track it with me. Your heavenly inheritance. Is imperishable. Undefiled. And will not fade away. Look. Imperishable. Is uncorrupted. Undecaying.
[48:47] So your salvation. Is not subject to breaking down. It lasts forever. It's eternal. All right. That's good. The root word for imperishable.
[48:58] However. Is this. It means perishable. That's the root. It means destruction. Or death. The prefix. A. Negates the meaning. To become. Non-perishable.
[49:10] Or literally. Literally. Immortal. Undying. This is better than zombies. There is no shelf life.
[49:21] Or expiration date. On your inheritance. It's kept for you in heaven. Never go bad. Never go rancid. Never go rotten. The root word for undefiled.
[49:36] Means. To paint in color. Or to stain. So again. We put the A. On the front of it. And it becomes. Pure. Or unstained. That's you.
[49:49] You are seen. As pure. And unstained. From sin. How can that be? Christ. And will not fade away.
[50:03] It means it will never lose. Its quality. And beauty. So that it will remain. In full. What it is. Forever. It will remain. In full. For what it is.
[50:14] Forever. You know anything else like that? You know anything in this world like that? Come on. No. You don't. I don't. What does milk do?
[50:28] Yes. I can't even smell it. You know. You see these people in the movies. These. I almost. When I see them do that. Why would they do that?
[50:40] It ain't that important to me. If you got a doubt. Pour it out. Get the next jug. Come on. And then finally this one. The next point. This is final.
[50:52] The guarantee of your living hope. In verse 5. Who are. These people. Who have this. Undefiled. Imperishable.
[51:03] And will not fade away. Inheritance. Reserved for them in heaven. You. Who are protected then. By the power of God. Through faith. For a salvation. Ready to be revealed.
[51:14] In the last time. This is a salvation. Protected by God's power. Through his gift. Of faith. You do the believing. God's not believing for you. But he's given you the gift.
[51:26] Of being able to believe. But you believe. You're not an automaton. Just as surely. As God raised Jesus.
[51:37] From the dead. You are God's chosen. So he. Caused you to be born again. To a living hope. And your hope. Will be realized.
[51:48] By the power of God. It doesn't depend on you. Now. Is that. Are you okay with that? I hope you are. Because that ain't going to change. Doesn't depend on you.
[52:02] Your salvation. Is secure. By the power of God. Through faith. Man. Oh man. As he keeps you.
[52:12] In saving faith. For a salvation. Ready to be revealed. In the last time. Your eternal destiny. Is secure. In God's will for you. Because God marked it out. Before the foundation of the world.
[52:24] Brought it forward. In a moment in time. And saved you. And then guaranteed. That he would keep that. Inside of you. Reserved for you. In. Heaven.
[52:35] That's where you're going. That's why Peter says. Sojourner. Alien. Pilgrim. Stranger. You don't belong here anymore. You've been completely rewired. Whole new spiritual DNA.
[52:47] You don't fit here anymore. So the more you stand for him. The more your life. Praises him. As wife. Husband. Father. Mother. Friend.
[52:58] Whatever it is. The more you stand for Christ. In praising him like that. The more the world will hate you. The more it will remind you. That this is not your home.
[53:09] You're headed somewhere else. So. So Peter. Can I put it in a vernacular. For today. So Peters. Don't freak out. At what's happening to you. As if some weird stuff. This isn't weird.
[53:21] This is the way it is. So be faithful. Be faithful. Your eternal destiny. Is secure in the will of the Lord. Since Jesus lives in you.
[53:32] By the power of God. Through faith. One day. Hear me. One day. You must. Must. Be joined. To your life. Who is.
[53:43] Jesus Christ. You can't stay here. And do this forever. That's not what this. This was made for. This has. You got to throw this off man.
[53:55] This is not your. Your heaven. This is not your heaven suit. You got to get a whole new thing. For heaven.
[54:05] So you have. You have to. Be joined. To your life. Where is he? He's there.
[54:18] And so you have to go to him. You must. Go to him. Here's how.
[54:29] Paul. Said it. Listen to this. This is. Colossians 3. Beginning in verse 1. Therefore. Or since.
[54:41] Since you have been. Raised up. With Christ. See. You have been given. Spiritual life. In his resurrection. You have been. So union.
[54:52] To him. You exist. So much. In. Connection. To. In union. To him. In. Fibrous. Connection. With him. That as he has been.
[55:03] Raised from the dead. So it is. Fixed. You are raised. From the dead. Since therefore. You have been. Raised up. With Christ. Keep seeking.
[55:14] The things above. Where Christ is. Seated at the right hand. Of God. Set your mind. On the things. Above. Not on the things.
[55:26] That are on earth. For you. Have died. And your life. Is hidden. With Christ. In God. When Christ. Who is your life. Is revealed.
[55:37] Then you. Also. Will be revealed. With him. In. Glory. Glory. That'll preach. Let's just. Go there.
[55:47] And I'll preach. A sermon on that one. Because I got that one. Memorized. That's glorious stuff. God himself. Is. Is. Is. Keeping. Your salvation.
[55:58] Inheritance. Ready. To reveal. To the world. There's going to come a day. When the trumpet sounds. You'll be taken to heaven. In glory. God will bring all of this together.
[56:09] And the entire world. At one time. Will be shown. That you're legit. That you belong to Jesus. He wants the world. To see that.
[56:23] It's another way. Of God saying. I kept. My promise. This is going to happen. Across the eras of time. And for all eternity.
[56:34] That you will be revealed. As God's child. He wants his choice. Of you. To resound. Throughout. Eternity. To the praise. Of his glorious grace.
[56:45] That's what Paul says. To the praise. Of his glorious grace. It magnifies. The grace of God. To tell the world. I kept my promise. Here's my child. And they're coming home.
[56:57] With me. So he gets all the glory. Let's pray. Father.
[57:10] We are. I am astounded. I am so energized. By the gospel. And the reality. How. The scriptures. Fit together. That I can go back into Luke. And read about the birth.
[57:22] Of Jesus. And the announcement. Of the angels. And go to first Peter. Written 60 years later. And see right there. The same theme. The same truth. The same wonderful.
[57:32] God. Savior. Mercy. Love. Thank you for being our God. Thank you for being bigger. Than we could ever imagine.
[57:43] Thank you that your mercies. Extend to us new. Every single day. They never run out. Never extinguish. So that our.
[57:54] Salvation. And our. Living hope. For hopeful living. Extends beyond this place. And into glory. Where we will be kept with you.
[58:05] Forever. No tears. And no pain. And no suffering. No confusion. No conflict. We'll be. So single-mindedly.
[58:16] And heartedly. Focused on you. And it'll be a glorious. Glorious reality. Until then. We pray father. And not flippantly. That you will help us. To remain.
[58:26] These. Praise factories. Seeking to give you. Honor and glory. In every aspect. Of our lives. I thank you. For my Christian friends. Here today. For my brothers and sisters.
[58:36] I thank you. For the spirit of God. That lives in them. I thank you. For the wisdom. That they have in their life. And how they share that wisdom. With me. To make me. A more faithful pastor.
[58:49] And a faithful husband. And friend. I thank you. For the way. That you work in our lives. As we. Do the one another's together. And in all of this. Lord.
[58:59] Your love is being seen. And we are being conformed. To the image of your son. We want him to receive. All of the glory and honor. For our lives. No matter what's happening. And we want to keep our eyes.
[59:11] Fixed. On that steadfast love. That you have for us. And that place. That you have reserved. For us in heaven. Call us home Lord. As it. Just befits your will.
[59:23] And help us to live faithfully. In Christ's name we pray. Amen.