Your Past, Present, and Future Resurrection


Jeff Jackson

April 4, 2021



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[0:00] So we'll be in a number of different scripture passages as we look into God's word this morning. And I want to be able to encourage you with how the resurrection relates to your life, how Jesus' resurrection relates to your life.

[0:25] So let's do, let's see, keep going. Okay. No, keep going.

[0:38] There it is. The power that raised him from the grave now works in, let's make it personal, you to powerfully save. He frees your heart to live his grace.

[0:54] Go tell of his goodness. That's my sermon. That's it. And we're going to have a number of slides that I want to bring up for you this morning to help you track along the way.

[1:08] It's. It's powerful and it's very, very powerfully pertinent to your Christian life and your daily walk with the Lord.

[1:20] So the title of my message. Thank you, brother. The title of my message is your past, present and future resurrection. Now, notice that I'm saying yours. Your resurrection.

[1:32] I want to help you see what what this means for your life. So listen, listen carefully and closely as we track along. I'm going to ask you to put your theological brains in motion this morning.

[1:45] I always do. I hope every Sunday you're theologically tracking with what we're doing, but particularly so this morning in light of what I want to tell you. Resurrection. Think about this now.

[1:57] Resurrection best defines who you were, who you are and who you will be.

[2:08] And this is exclusively true because of Jesus Christ's love for you. Once again, resurrection best defines who you were.

[2:19] It best defines who you are and it best defines who you will be. In his commentary on first Corinthians, John MacArthur quotes a certain theologian, Eric Sauer.

[2:33] And this is the quote that I wanted to share with you. The present age is Easter time. It begins with the resurrection of the resurrection of the redeemer. That is Jesus and ends with the resurrection of the redeemed.

[2:46] That would be us, the Christians. Between that lies the spiritual resurrection of those called into life through Christ. So we live between Easter's.

[2:59] And in the power of the first Easter, we go to meet the last Easter. Now that ought to excite you. That ought to really get you going.

[3:10] Right. Did you hear and understand what this man is saying? This is true. We are the in-betweeners. We are living in the power of the resurrection of Jesus in the past.

[3:24] We are currently living in that power as we live today. And that power is the promise that we will be raised to life again. And live for eternity in that power free from sin.

[3:37] Never to die again. Death is not our master. So I want to share with you this morning. Three realities of the resurrection related to your life. Three realities of the resurrection related to your life.

[3:53] Once again, this first point that I'll share with you. Coming up on the slide is your past. It deals with your past. You were raised to life in Jesus' resurrection.

[4:07] Did you catch that? His resurrection being the first fruit of securing your spiritual relationship with him. And then I have the reference there for you from 1 Corinthians 15.

[4:19] If you'll turn there. 1 Corinthians 15. Beginning in verse 20. And I'm going to explain this to you what I mean.

[4:31] I hope this will be very, very encouraging for you today. I always hope you're encouraged on Sunday. From what you sing and hear and pray. What you offer to other people in the way of building them up in their faith.

[4:44] 1 Corinthians 15. Beginning in verse 20. Paul the apostle says very clearly. But now Christ has been raised from the dead.

[4:56] The first fruits of those who are asleep. That's a euphemism for death. Asleep means those who've died. For since by a man came death.

[5:10] By a man also came the resurrection of the dead. So he's talking about Adam. Through Adam we all died in sin. And have a sin nature. From the resurrection of the dead.

[5:22] Jesus Christ came life. Verse 22. For as in Adam all die. So also in Christ all will be made alive.

[5:34] But each in his own order. Christ the first fruits. After that. Those who are Christ's at his coming. So Christ was raised from the dead first.

[5:49] And now all who will have faith in Christ. Will also be raised. In their own turn and order. And then look at verse 24.

[6:01] Then comes the end. When he hands over the kingdom. To the to the God and father. When he has abolished all rule and authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies.

[6:13] Under his feet. The last enemy that will be abolished is what church. Death. Death. Death. Why is that? Because we are promised.

[6:25] Through faith in Jesus Christ. That at our physical death. We will be raised to life. Never to die again. So in that way.

[6:37] Physical death. Is not our master. Death. No longer. Has control. Over our. Life. Everyone.

[6:48] Will eventually be raised to life. You know this. From scripture. Whether you believe in Jesus Christ. As your Lord and Savior or not. Everyone will be raised.

[6:59] To a. New existence. After their physical death. The issue becomes. Where will you spend that existence? For those of us.

[7:09] Trusting in Jesus Christ. Through the forgiveness of sins. And being made right with God the Father. We will. Spend eternity where? In heaven.

[7:20] With him. Amen. We want to see as many people brought to that reality as we possibly can. Now in this passage. As.

[7:31] First. Fruits. Which is how Jesus is being described. You see that in the text. As first fruits. Jesus was. First. To be raised from the dead.

[7:42] Never to die again. And you have to put that last part on it. Right. Jesus wasn't the first one to ever be raised from the dead. But he was the first one to be raised from the dead.

[7:53] Never to die again. And there are going to be many, many, many, many more people. In that same condition. But he's first. So he's the first fruits.

[8:05] He was also. First of all of those who would follow him. In being raised from the dead in God's resurrection power. So Jesus was the first installment of many.

[8:18] In this regard. So first fruits. Refers to. The initial portions of the crops. That the. Israelites.

[8:29] The Hebrew people of God. Made as an offering to the Lord. So in God's program now. In God's program. The full crop. The full harvest.

[8:39] That they would make. Couldn't be taken in. Couldn't be harvested. Until the first fruits. Were offered. Now if you're tracking with that.

[8:49] In the analogy that Paul is making. Here is what he's saying. Jesus resurrection was. First fruit. So that the fruit of the harvest of all other resurrections could and would follow.

[9:05] No resurrection of Jesus. No resurrection of Jeff. Or Alonzo or any other Christian. Jesus resurrection is the first portion of a whole.

[9:19] Now what's exciting about that is this. In the mind of almighty God. When Jesus Christ was resurrected. So were you. It's such a done deal.

[9:32] This. This is very much like what Paul would say in Ephesians 1. When he said. That before the foundation of this planet was ever laid for us to inhabit. God chose who would be saved.

[9:45] And established that fact in his mind and secured it. Before Jeff Jackson was ever even mentioned or thought of by another human being. Long before God ever made any people.

[9:56] Or the world. The Godhead and the council of the Trinity decided. These are the people we will choose for salvation. And mark them out predetermined predestined those people for salvation.

[10:08] And it became fixed in the mind of God. If you want to read that. It's in plain English in Ephesians chapter 1. So I'm saying for you. You chosen of God.

[10:20] Predetermined for salvation by the mind of almighty God in the heart of the Lord. When Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead. He was the first fruit of all who had been chosen for resurrection in him.

[10:32] Fixed in the mind of God. So there was in the mind of God. The resurrection of Jeff Jackson at the resurrection of Jesus. Or any other person who's believed in Jesus.

[10:45] Fixed. Done. Nothing could thwart that. Not even Jeff Jackson's abysmal, sickening, terrible, selfish, prideful rebellion against God.

[10:58] All through high school and into early college. When I thought Christians were the biggest morons on the planet. What a waste of a life. What a waste of the joy and the happiness people could have.

[11:11] Following this guy around named Jesus. And doing all this nonsense. I told you this before. When you could be at the lake skiing. Or whatever on Sunday. And God saved that prideful, stupid.

[11:27] Moron of a person. And awakened him to his need. And in the mind of God, he knew that that was always going to be the case for Jeff.

[11:38] So that when his son was raised. His son was the first fruit. Of another one who would get raised. His name was Jeff. He secured for Jeff.

[11:51] A time when Jeff will die. And be raised again. And never die again. He's done that for you. If you believe. In the Lord Jesus Christ.

[12:03] As your Lord and Savior. That is what I'm saying. So even though the Lord had it in his mind. And had fixed it in the reality of his own heart. At that time when Jesus was raised.

[12:13] He had to bring that forward in time. And mark it in a moment in your life. Didn't he? Because prior to me expressing faith in Jesus.

[12:24] I wasn't saved. I wasn't born again. And I wasn't experiencing resurrection power in my life. Was I? And neither were you. So it was fixed in the mind of God.

[12:36] But then God had to bring it forward. And fix it in time. And make it real for this person named Jeff. Whose heart beats. And I breathe his air. And that's what happened to you.

[12:48] You think when you became born again. When did you put your faith in Jesus? In that moment. God made good. On the resurrection of Jesus.

[12:58] As the first fruit. Of what you would be in your resurrection. And we're not done yet. We're still talking about the past. We haven't even got to the present.

[13:10] Or the future. First fruits. Jesus resurrection is the first portion. Of the whole. No other resurrections could happen.

[13:22] Apart from his. So his resurrection. As first fruit. I'm saying. Secured and ensured. A harvest of resurrections to come. Of which you would be a part.

[13:34] With me? The mind of God. Your salvation. From sin, death. And the judgment of hell. Was secured at the moment of Jesus' resurrection.

[13:46] If you look at Colossians chapter 2. Let's turn back to Colossians chapter 2. Verse 12. In this running dialogue.

[14:00] Of the benefits. Of knowing Jesus. And having faith in Jesus. Jesus being the full expression. Of God the Father. Because Jesus himself is God.

[14:11] We believe that. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In verse 12. Paul says this. Having been buried with Jesus. In baptism.

[14:22] Now church. Do you remember that? From Romans chapter 6. Having been buried with Jesus. In baptism. That is. Spiritually joined with him. By the power of God. Through faith in Christ.

[14:34] In which you. Look. Were. You were. Also. What? With him. Raised up with him. Through what? Faith. In the working of God.

[14:46] Who raised him. From the dead. Being buried with Jesus. In baptism. Refers to your spiritual union. With him. So you share. In his physical death.

[14:58] So that. You can also share. In his resurrection. Life. Those. Are realities. Are true. Of you. Because of the spiritual.

[15:09] Working. Of God. Do you see that in the passage. In that verse. This is all part. Of faith. Through the working. Of God. Who raised him.

[15:20] From the dead. The energy. Of God. Working. A spiritual. Miracle. In your life. All of that. Is accomplished.

[15:31] By the working. Of God's power. To resurrect. To new life. Now. Aren't you glad. As a Christian. That you have a father. Who loves. To. Resurrect.

[15:42] To new life. In the world. Of men and women. That's what God does. God is all about. Bringing.

[15:53] Resurrection. Life. To this world. And when you meet. Someone else. Who's experiencing. The resurrection. Life.

[16:03] Of almighty God. In this broken. Dark place. It's a light. It's a joy. It's. It's a miracle. To talk to another Christian.

[16:14] And realize. God's done this. To you too. Huh. You know what this is. Don't you. It's life. It's life. It's life.

[16:25] Then. It's life. Now. And it's life. Waiting. When. When. When. When. Always winning.

[16:36] Always winning. The victorious. Christian life. Is not a walk. In the roses. It's a walk. In the brokenness. As a person.

[16:47] Who has. New. Life. And knowing. That the world. Can't snatch. That away. There is no power. In the universe. That can snatch. Away from you. New. Life.

[16:59] Resurrection. Life. Do you know. What you're going to do. God willing. Next Sunday. When you're here. To gather. You know. What you're going to do. You're going to celebrate.

[17:09] What. New. Life. What's that life. Resurrection. Every Sunday. Is the celebration. Of. Resurrection. Life. Every Sunday.

[17:25] What an amazing reality. I'll say it this way. Jesus. Resurrection. Truly. Does. Define. And. Describe. The. Christian. Life. It.

[17:36] Is. The. Power. Of. New. Life. By. The. Gift. Of. God's. Grace. Grace. Means. God's. Undeserved. Favor. God. Has. Poured. Out. On. Us. Grace.

[17:47] Undeserved. Favor. Blessing. Upon. Blessing. Upon. Blessing. To. People. Who. Were. At. One. Time. Estranged. From. Him. Separate. From. The. Life. Of. Christ.

[17:57] Rebellious. Toward. God. Now. That. Bleeds. You. You've. Heard. The. Language. That. I've. Been. Using. That. All. Bleeds. Because. I can't. Help. It. Right.

[18:08] Into. The. Present. So. That's. Slide. Number. Two. Here. With. Point. Two. The. Present. You. Were. Raised. In. Christ. In. The. Mind. Of. God. Now.

[18:18] He. Brings. That. Forward. In. Time. To. The. Tense.

[18:30] Spiritual. Relationship. And. I'm. Going. To. Ask. You. To. Turn. To. Ephesians. Two. Galatians. Ephesians. Chapter. Two. Ephesians.

[18:44] Two. Verse. Four. Paul. In. The. First. Few. Verses. Is. Talking. About. What. We. Once. Were. As. We. Were. Living.

[18:55] In. The. Power. And. Under. The. Penalty. Of. Sin. Before. Jesus. Christ. Before. Faith. In. The. Lord. We. Were. Living. In. Sin. Just. Like. Everybody.

[19:05] Else. Who. Does. Not. Exercise. Faith. In. Jesus. But. Then. Verse. Four. Changes. Everything. But. God. Being. Rich. In. Mercy. Because.

[19:16] Of. His. Great. Love. With. Which. He. Loved. Us. You. Mean. Even. Before. We. Were. Saved. Yes. Even. When. We.

[19:26] Were. Dead. In. Our. Transgressions. Made. Us. Alive. Together. With. Christ. By.

[19:37] Grace. You. Have. Been. Saved. And. Ray. Listen. To. The. Language. Folks. And. Raised. Us. Up. With. Him. And. Seated.

[19:47] Us. With. Him. In. The. Heavenly. Places. In. Christ. Jesus. So. That. What's. The. Purpose. In. The. Ages. To. Come. God.

[19:58] Might. Show. The. Surpassing. Riches. Of. His. Own. Grace. In. Kindness. Toward. Us. In. Christ. Jesus. Now. Let me. Ask. You. Are. You. Physically.

[20:08] Seated. In. Heaven. With. Jesus. In. This. Moment. No. Because. You're. You're. Here. I'm. Looking at. With.

[20:21] Him. In. The. Heavenly. Place. Here. Is. Another. Instance. In. The. Mind. Of. God. That. This. Is. A. Fixed. Reality. On. A. Spiritual. Level. You. Are. Fixed. In. Heaven. With. God. You.

[20:31] Are. Secured. In. Heaven. With. God. Through. Christ. Why? Because. You. Are. So. Joined. With. Jesus. You. Are. Where. Jesus. Is. Jesus. In. Heaven. Seated.

[20:42] At. The. Right. Hand. Of. God. That's. How. Fixed. Your. Eternity. Is. With. The. Lord. Alonza. Said. Thank you. Thank you. God. Thank you.

[20:53] Lord. Amen. Amen. Now. Listen. To. This. I. Want. To. Throw. This. Slide. Up. Here. And. I. Want. You. To. Track. With. Me. Because. I. Don't. This. Is. Where. I. Don't. Want. To. Lose.

[21:03] You. I. Want. To. Hang. On. To. You. Here. You. Need. To. Grasp. This. Look. At. This. Slide. Jesus. Resurrection. Puts. The. Power. Of. Your. Old. Sinful.

[21:13] Life. Over. You. And. Your. Slavery. To. Sin. Into. Heavenly. Perspective. This. Is. You. Need. To. Reflect. On. This. You.

[21:24] Need. To. Allow. This. To. Seep. Into. Your. Soul. And. Give. Thought. To. This. And. Don't. Don't. Gloss. Over. It. In. Other. Words. Here's. What. I'm. Saying. In. Other. Words.

[21:35] To. Truly. Grasp. And. To. Gain. To. Gain. From. How. Powerfully. Your. Sin. Dominated. And. Defined. You. You.

[21:45] Only. Have. To. Look. At. The. Power. That. It. Took. To. Overcome. It. And. To. Set. You. Free. From. It. Are. You. Following. Me. Look.

[21:57] At. This. Next. Slide. The. Only. Power. Great. Enough. To. Rescue. You. From. You. And. From. Your. Sins. Is. The. Power. Of. Jesus. Own. Death.

[22:07] And. Resurrection. What. Did. It. Take. In. The. Way. Of. Power. To. Deliver. You. From. Your. Sins. The. Way. That. They. Dominated. And.

[22:17] Defined. You. What. Power. Did. It. Take. To. Release. You. From. That. Reality. It. Took. The. Power. Of. God.

[22:28] Resurrecting. Jesus. From. The. Dead. Anything. Short. Of. Resurrection. Power. And. You. Still. Be. Dead. In. Your. Sins. And. Headed. For. A. Devil's. Hell. Now.

[22:40] What. Does. That. Tell. You. About. The. Power. Of. Sin. That. You. Used. To. Live. If. That's. The. Only. Power. In. The. Universe. That. Could. Release. You. What.

[22:50] Does. That. Tell. You. About. The. Power. That. Grip. Your. Heart. Friend. You. Been. Mightily. Saved. From. A. Mighty. Power. By. A.

[23:00] Mighty. God. Now. Rejoice. And. Let. It. Define. Your. Life. Let. It.

[23:10] Define. The. Way. You. Live. Jesus. Had. To. Die. And. Suffer. And. Be. Raised. Again. For. You. To. Know. This. Power. Over. What. Empowered.

[23:21] You. At. That. Time. And. It. Was. Sin. Grip. Of. Sin. But. Now. I. Want. You. To. Look. At. This. Reality. As. Well. Look. Throw. This. Next. Slide. Up. There.

[23:31] For. Me. Andrew. Jesus. Resurrection. Also. Puts. The. Power. Of. Your. New. Sanctified. Life. In. You. And. Of. Your. Slavery. To. Jesus. Into.

[23:42] Heavenly. Perspective. You. With. Me. What. Am I. Saying? In. Other. Words. Listen. To. Truly. Grasp. And. Gain. From. God's. Undeserved. Favor.

[23:53] At. Work. In. You. His. Grace. You. Only. Have. To. Look. At. The. Power. It. Takes. For. You. To. Change. What.

[24:03] Kind. Of. Power. Does. It. Take. For. You. To. Change. We. Know. The. Kind. Of. Power. That. It. Took. For. You. To. Be. Born. Again. Saved. And. Freed. From. Sin. But. What. Kind. Of. Power. Do.

[24:13] You. Need. For. You. To. Live. The. Christian. Life. So. That. You. Can. Change. Become. Holy. Become. More. Like. Jesus. Now. Let. Me. Throw. This. Next. Slide. Up. There. The.

[24:24] Only. Power. Great. Enough. To. Conform. And. Transform. You. To. To. Jesus. Is. Surprise. His. Resurrection. Power.

[24:35] Do you see friend. You never outgrow. The need. For. Resurrection. Power. In your life. And. You. Have it. In spades. Just. Tap.

[24:46] In. As it were. Live. This. Is. The. Very. Power. Of. God. Which. Paul. Spoke. Of. In.

[24:56] Colossians. Chapter. 2. Verse. 12. That. I. Read. To. You. It. Is. The. Working. Of. God. In. Your. Life. It. Is. The. Energy. Or. Power. Of.

[25:06] God. At. Work. In. You. And. Paul. Encourages. Us. To. Let. That. Power. That. God. Is. Working. In. Us. Work.

[25:16] It. Self. Out. In. A. Holy. Life. In. A. Holy. Life. Our. Our. Responsibility. As. Christians.

[25:27] Isn't. To. Work. It. In. That. Is. God. Now. We. Strive. Working. Out. What. He. Is. Working. In. You. Want. To. See. More. Of.

[25:37] That. You. Can. Look. In. Philippians. Two. And. Read. The. Whole. Thing. But. I'll. Share. This. With. You. Let. Me. Throw. This. Slide. Up. It's. From.

[25:48] Romans. Six. Just. Look. At. It. With. Me. If. You. Would. Therefore. We. Have. Been. Buried. With. Him. Do. You. See. That. Through. Baptism. Into. Death. So. That.

[25:59] As. Christ. Was. Raised. From. The. Dead. Through. The. Glory. Of. The. Father. Look. Now. So. We. Too. Might. Walk. In. What. Newness. Of. Life. For.

[26:11] If. We. Have. Become. United. With. Him. In. The. Like. Of. His. Death. Certainly. We. Shall. Also. Be. In. The. Like. Of. His. Resurrection. Knowing. This. That.

[26:21] Our. Old. Self. Was. Crucified. With. Him. In. Order. That. Our. Body. Of. Sin. Might. Be. Done. Away. With. Purpose. So. That. We. Would. No.

[26:31] Longer. Be. Slaves. To. Sin. Who. Are. Right.

[26:44] Gladly. With. Great. Contentment. My. Friends. You. Are. You. Are. Living. As. A. Saved. Rescued.

[26:54] Delivered. And. Forgiven. Child. Of. God. Because. You. Are. Alive. In. God. Same. Resurrection. Power. Which. Resurrected. Jesus.

[27:09] No. Way. Yeah. The same. Power. That. Brought. Jesus. To. Life. Is. The. Power. That. Brought. You. To. Life. Spiritually.

[27:20] No. Less. You. Didn't. Get. A. Little. Bit. Of. It. You. Got. The. Same. Power. That. Power. Is. At. Work. In. You. Now. As. You. Live. The.

[27:30] Christian. Life. Your. Source. Of. New. Life. Is. Jesus. Christ. The. Person. Him. Himself. Look.

[27:44] At. This. Next. Verse. If. You. Would. Throw. It. Up. There. Andrew. Much. More. Than. Having. Now. Been. Justified. By. His. Blood. We.

[27:55] Shall. Be. Saved. From. The. Wrath. Of. God. Through. Him. For. If. While. We. Were. Enemies. We. Were. Reconciled. To. God. Through. The.

[28:05] Death. Of. His. Son. Much. More. Having. Been. Reconciled. We. Shall. Be. Saved. By. His. Yes.

[28:16] Reach. It. Alonza. Only. Don't. Do. It. Up. Here. Right. Now. Wait. Look. Back. At. That. Sitch. Look. Up. Here. Justified. By.

[28:26] His. Blood. Saved. From. The. Wrath. Of. God. Reconciled. To. God. Saved. By. His. Life. And. All. Of. That. Happens. Through. Resurrection. Power.

[28:39] Get a little technical on you. The theological expression of what I've been telling you is this vindication. The vindication of Jesus was also the vindication of all those he represented.

[28:53] Vindication means justification. It means acquittal. Freeing. From. Now. You were vindicated. You were justified. You were acquitted.

[29:05] No more guilt. Jesus was vindicated in the sense not that he was guilty. Because he had no sin. He was vindicated in the sense that everything he said he was.

[29:17] He was. And his resurrection proved it. I am the son of God. Destroy this temple and in three days God will raise it again. He did. I am the way the truth and the life he is.

[29:33] And the resurrection proves it. That's how he's vindicated. You and I are vindicated in him. And now future. Future.

[29:45] The third and final point. You will be raised. To eternal life. In your future tense spiritual relationship to Jesus Christ. And this will find us back in Colossians chapter 3.

[29:58] There are so many places we could turn. I just chose this one. Colossians 3 verse 4. Paul is. Stating the fact here.

[30:10] You have been raised. You have been raised with Christ. You see that in Colossians 3 chapter 1. You have been raised. And so in verse 4.

[30:23] When Christ. Who is our life. You see. Jesus isn't part of our life. He isn't a portion of our life. Jesus is our life. When Christ.

[30:34] Who is our life. Is revealed. Then you also. Will be revealed. With him. In. Glory. When Jesus comes back.

[30:44] To get his church. All of those. Who have. Lived by faith in him. To take them. To his heaven. When he is revealed. In that moment. We will be revealed.

[30:55] With him. That is. We will be caught up. With him. And then. We will be. In. Glory. With him. And so. In that way.

[31:06] Once again. We are vindicated. The faith. That we have claimed. The life. That we have lived. The truth. That we have spoken. In all of those ways. We will be.

[31:17] Then vindicated. As we are. Revealed. With him. To be who. We said. We were. Christians. Jesus followers. The people. Who have the resurrection.

[31:28] Power of God. At work. In their lives. One of the reasons. That is beautiful. To me. Is because. You just. Don't always. Get justice. And fairness. In this world.

[31:38] Do you? You just. Don't. People hurt you. People do wrong. To you. Have you ever. Had someone. Naming the name. Of Jesus. Hurt you. It happens. Because we are.

[31:49] Human beings. What God. Points us to. In this. Is our hope. Is not in. Our justification. Here. Among men. It's not. In the.

[32:01] Mercy. And in the. The idea. Of justice. Here. On this planet. Do you know. Why? Because. You just.

[32:12] Won't always. Get justice. Here. On this planet. It's a broken world. Full of broken people. Broken systems. So what is God promise. In the future. You'll be revealed.

[32:23] With him. And you. Will be vindicated. With him. And all. Will be known. All. Will be made. Complete. I.

[32:33] I. Now. Think with me. I hear people say. Boy. When I get to heaven. I'm going to ask God. This. That. And the other. And I'm going to. Find out. You know. Everything will be known. And. I'll be.

[32:45] Put. Right. And. Everybody. You'll see. That I was right. And you're like. No. No. Right. You're going to be too busy. Laying.

[32:56] Your crown. At his feet. You're going to be too busy. Exalt. Loving. And looking around. At heaven.

[33:07] And going. Wow. If I'd only. Known this. I'd have said. Can I just go ahead and go. Long ago. Such is the wonder and beauty.

[33:19] Of the expression of God. Let me show you one other. In Philippians chapter 3. Philippians chapter 3. Look at verse 20.

[33:31] Such a beautiful statement. Here. For our citizenship. Is in heaven. You hear that? If you're a Christian. Your citizenship.

[33:41] Is in heaven. When? Already. Right now. Right. From which. Also. We eagerly wait. For a savior. The Lord Jesus. Are you eagerly waiting.

[33:52] For him. Who will. Not. Not maybe. Who will. Transform. The body. Of our humble state. Into conformity. With the body.

[34:02] Of whose glory. His own. By the exertion. Of whose power. His power. That he has. Even to subject. All things.

[34:13] To himself. Do you see that? The power of God. Is going to transform. Your lowly body. Into the body. Of the glory. Of Jesus Christ. And you will live.

[34:23] In that new. Glorified body. For all. Eternity. Never to know. Corruption. Or sin again. Ever. That is the beauty.

[34:34] Of this reality. So my friends. These passages. Fix our future. Resurrection. From physical death. In our faith. In Jesus. Our hope.

[34:45] In his promise. To come again. For us. Share just a couple. Of more passages. With you. In first. Thessalonians. Chapter four. Ladies. From your study.

[34:57] First. Thessalonians. Chapter four. Look at this. With me. In verse. Thirteen. But we do not.

[35:09] Want you. To be uninformed. Brothers. About those. Who are. Here it is again. Asleep. Which means. Dead. They're dead. Those. Loved ones.

[35:20] And fellow Christians. Who have died. In their faith. We don't want you. To be uninformed. About them. What do you mean. Paul. So that you will not.

[35:30] Grieve. As do the rest. Who have no hope. You have hope. And I want to remind you. Of what that hope. Is fixed in. And what it's about. Well what is it about. Paul. Well if we believe.

[35:40] In verse fourteen. If we believe. That Jesus died. And rose again. Even so. God will bring. With him. Those who have. Fallen asleep.

[35:50] In Jesus. Where you're going to. See your people again. Is in the resurrection. That is. When Jesus comes back. And raises the dead. Who have believed.

[36:01] In him. You will see. Those people. Join with Jesus. Have hope. This is real. Verse fifteen. For this. We say to you. By the word of the Lord.

[36:13] That we. Who are alive. And remain. Until the coming. Of the Lord. Will not proceed. Those who have died. Or fallen asleep. For the Lord himself. Will. Descend from heaven.

[36:23] With a shout. With the voice. Of the archangel. With the trumpet. Of God. And the dead in Christ. Will rise first. Man. What. What a display. It's like.

[36:33] Bring it on man. Come on. Shout. Trumpet. Stuff. Whoo. Here we go. And then verse seventeen. Then.

[36:44] We who are alive. And remain. Will be caught up together. With them in the clouds. To meet the Lord. In the air. And so. We shall. Always. Be. With.

[36:55] The Lord. Therefore. What does he say? Comfort one another. With these words. These are supposed to be. The words that Christians use. To comfort one another. Why?

[37:06] Because we live. In a broken world. We live. In a sin. Cursed. Broken place. Where you don't get justice. People lie.

[37:17] People cheat. People steal. People say. All manner of things. About you. People get it wrong. My friends.

[37:29] Listen. Paul encouraged. The church family. At Thessalonica. That all. Who physically die. With faith in Jesus. Will be raised. To new life. In him. Never to die.

[37:40] Again. And he is the first fruits. Of that promise. Raised to life. Never to die. Again. That is our hope. You were raised.

[37:52] In Jesus. You have been raised. To live now. In his power. And you shall. Be raised. To live with him. Forever. Here is what Jesus said. Friends. The last slide.

[38:03] This is the will of him. Who sent me. That of all. That he has given me. I lose. Nothing. But raise it up. On the last day. That is. The harvest. He is speaking now.

[38:15] About the resurrection. Harvest of souls. For this is the will. Of my father. That everyone. Who beholds the son. And believes in him. Will have.

[38:26] Eternal life. And look. I myself. Will raise him up. On the last day. What more do you want. In the way of a promise. That is the hope.

[38:38] That we live with. As Christian people. The people of God. Chosen before the foundation. Of the world. Predetermined. To be resurrected. To new life.

[38:49] He is. Risen. And so are you. Me. He is risen.

[39:02] Oh. John 6. 39 and 40. John 6. 39 and 40. That is the power of God. To raise the dead.

[39:13] The living dead. Like me. Before the Lord. I want to ask you. As we. Transition.

[39:23] To the Lord's table. To reflect. On the joy. And the hope. That Jesus purchased. For you. Because as we celebrate. The table together. We are memorializing.

[39:34] Jesus Christ. In his death. In his payment. In his suffering. That he might be raised again. So that we could know the life. That we know now. Free from the penalty.

[39:46] Of sin. Freed. From the power. Of sin. Over your life. As you turn in truth. To Jesus. So I want to ask you friend. Would you just take a moment.

[39:57] And bow your head. And prepare your heart. To receive the table. With sobriety. With a sober spirit. If there's any sin. In your life. That you have.

[40:08] Yet to confess. If you are at odds. With anybody. In your life. Where you have not. Made an attempt. To reconcile. With them. You need to contemplate. Perhaps not taking the table.

[40:19] Until you can. See those people. And work it out. With them now. If you've already. Made an attempt. To work it out. And they have not. Received. What you have offered. Then you are free. From that.

[40:31] You are free. From that. You can't make them. Forgive you. But just take the table. In a sober way. And spend some time. Confessing to the Lord. And worshiping him.